what the hell am i thinking...

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Zayn POV.

So, everything had been going good since I'd started at SMBA. I kinda landed here the same way Shay had, by getting expelled. Lets just say I got into one too many fights at my last school...But yeah. My mom had enrolled me in school here in hopes of "straightening me out." How was that working for her? Well, I still did kinds of shit, but never got caught.

The first time I'd seen Shay, I thought she was just one of those girls who put on an image. Turns out, she's different. She's real, she's got a sense of humor. Oh, yeah. And she seemed to be the only girl at the school who wasn't after me, the new resident "bad boy."

So, we'd grown pretty close during that first week of school. Until I almost fucked it up at the party, by almost kissing her. Having Josh come up and kinda ruin the moment might've saved mine and Shays "friendship"--if you can call people who've been friends for just a week friends.

But, now it was Monday, and the hangovers from Friday were well past us. And, mine and Shay's plan had finally come through. We'd left Niall and Emma, Shay's twin, alone at the party, and they were now officially dating. Thank God, she'd been all Niall talked about since that first day. Apparently they'd hung out after I showed Shay the smoking place.

I walked through the trail there, after class on Monday. Shay, and Andy were there, smoking. As usual. I think Andy's the only one I know who smokes more than me and Shay. "So, our plan worked!" I said, wanting to bring up some conversation.

Shay smiles. "Yeah, it did! I'm glad too. Emma really likes him."

As much as I really like you? I thought--and almost said aloud. Wait. What the hell did I just think? I'd only known her for a week...you couldn't just simply "really like" someone if you'd known them for just a week...well, i guess the heart feels whatever the hell it wants to feel, right? I bit my tounge to prevent myself from saying anything, thankfully. "Yeah, Niall's crazy about her too," I tell her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry it's just a crappy little update, but still let me know what you think! vote/fan/comment! :) x

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