just when things were going good...

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Shays POV

I was tired, and still drunk. Definitely not a good combination. Somehow I forced myself to stay awake to talk to Zayn.  "Zayn, thank you so much...for helping me." I told him. 

"It's nothing...its because I care about you." he told me.

"What...no, no...your dating Rebekah!" I exclaimed.

"I don't like her...I only like you, Shay! I have ever since I met you!"

"NO! This is wrong! Go be with your girlfriend!" I holler.

"If I 'liked' her, would I do this?" he takes a stride over to me, wraps his arms around me, and kisses me. And, it's at that exact moment that Emma, with her ever-perfect timing, walks in.

"Zayn, you've got to go. The DA heard you guys screaming at each other," she says. Zayn plants a kiss on my head, tells me he'll see me in the morning, then runs out. I sit on my bed, glaring at Emma for a good 10 minutes. Me drunk and pissed was a worse combination then me drunk and tired.

"What?!" she demands.

"You." I started. "You came in when Zayn kissed me! And made him leave!" i grumbled.\

"Yes, because otherwise he would've got caught! What were you yelling about, anyways?" she asks me.

"Nothing..." i mutter. "I'm gunna go to bed. Night."

---The Next Morning--

Emma POV

I woke up at about 11 the next morning, only slightly foggy in the head. I didn't really drink that much, so I wasn't hungover too terribly. Shay, on the other hand, would be out for the rest of the day. Probably tomorrow, too. I looked at my phone, and checked my texts. I had one, from Niall. "Morning babe, I hope you slept well! Meet me down by the lake when you get up! :)"

I smiled, pulled on smoe shorts and a tanktop, and headed down to the lake. Niall was waiting for me. "Emma!" he runs up to me, picks me up and spins me around, giving me a sweet kiss.

"Hey babe," i tell him, kissing him back. "Why'd you want me to come down here?"  Turns out Niall's planned a surprise picnic for us! That's what I love about him, he's always so thoughtful. "You know, you didn't have to do this," I tell him.

"No, I wanted too. So we could have some time to ourselves," he adds. It's the sweetest thing any guy has ever done for me. The day turns out to be one of the greatest I've ever had. It definitely beats hanging out with Shay when she's hungover...thats when she's her worst.

I lay back in Niall's arms, looking out on the lake, around sunset. He starts playing with my hair, singing softly. I'm almost asleep when suddenly i hear alarms screeching as the PA system comes on. It's the headmaster. "Attention, students, this is a code blue! I repeat, code blue! We're going into lockdown."


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