wrong girl, wrong time.

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Zayn POV.

So, i really liked Shay, but I didn't exactly know how to tell her...i spent all of my classes the next week trying to figure out how to. Soon it was Friday again, and i thought I'd figured it out. I was ready to tell her. After class, I began walking to her locker, but was stopped by someone, a girl who I'd known forever. her name was Rebekah.

"Hey Zayn," she said, smiling.

"Hey," I said, looking back at Shay's locker.

"So, i was wondering...this might seem totally random, but we've known each other for a while...so, do you wanna, i dunno, go out some time?"

"Uh..." i was taken by surprise. "yeah, sure!" wait. what. did i just say yes...shit. well this might put a dent in my plan to ask Shay out...

"Okay, cool! do you wanna go for a walk?"

"uh, sure," i mutter. shit. Rebekah takes my hand and leads me away from the school part of SMBA. I look back over my shoulder to see Shay staring at me with her big, brown eyes.

------------------------Shay POV-----------------

I looked up from my locker just for a quick sec.

Bad move.

I saw Zayn, which would've brought a smile to my face. except for the fact that he was holding hands with some other girl. I was shocked, I didn't know what to think. Hadn't he almost kissed me last week at that party? Guess it really was the alcohol...

But in truth, i think i really did like him. I must, because for the rest of the night I was in a deep kinda depression, doing nothing. As soon as i got back to the dorm I changed into my pyjamas, and curled up under my blankets, then started listening to my music. the main two songs i kept playing were Save My Heart by Jason Reeves, and DNA by Little Mix, one of my favorite bands.

Emma knew something was wrong. "Okay. Look. Nobody as badass as you comes home and goes into freaking loner mode. whats the deal?"

i smiled at the fact that she'd called me "badass"--i honestly don't think i'm that tough. "Well..." i began, then i went and told her everything, how Zayn had almost kissed me, and how i'd started liking him, and then how he was holding hands and walking with that other girl...

--------------------Emma POV-------------

So, I'd never seen Shay like this. She was totally, I don't know. She just honestly looked like she couldn't give 2 fucks about anything. I knew instantly something was wrong when she came home, so I bugged her until she gave and told me.

I figured she'd liked Zayn, and based on what she'd told he it'd seemed like he'd liked her too. So, I texted Niall, telling him too. "What should we do about it?" he asked me.

"We need to break Zayn and Rebekah up. Then set those two up." I tell him.

So, I spend my Friday night coming up with a plan. A totally reckless, stupid, 100% foolproof plan to set Shay and Zayn up.

Hope you liked the update (: vote/comment/fan <3

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