party pooper

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Emma POV

Niall made a full recovery in the next couple of weeks. He still complained that his shoulder was sore, but i honestly couldn't expect that he wouldn't. He returned to school a week after he got shot. Thankfully the men who'd shot him had been caught and arrested. The school was installing some extra security measures, but everything eventually went back to normal.

The next party was in the middle of January, the day that Exam Week ended. We'd all been studying for our semestered exams for the last month and almost everyone went to the party. It was loud, of course, and it was crowded. I tended not to like this large of a party, but I didn't care as long as Niall was with me. Zayn and Shay had snuck off somewhere, doing God knows what.

Shay POV

This party was great too. Zayn and I were on the dance floor just having a great time, until someone came up to us. Someone named Rebekah. I guess she'd taken it pretty hard when Zayn left her for me...

"YOU BITCH!" She screamed at me, and slapped me. Not even a solid punch. It was a silly little backhand that hardly made me step backwards. I, of course, lunged back at her. I didn't find it to convienient that the police decided to break up the rowdy party just as I struck her back.

A/N I know it's not the longest update ever but tell me what you think! /

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