Chapter 18

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After we secured the house Izzy and I went for a walk in the neighborhood before we headed to bed for the night. Izzy and I helped Jenny wrap presents for Sari and Ritchie and we set them under the tree we have. Sari was worried that since they weren't at their house Santa wouldn't be able to find them. Izzy kneeled down and told her that Santa always knows where the kids are. She told her that we weren't at home, but Santa would still find us.

"What's with you?" Izzy asks me.

"Thinking about what you said to Sari," I tell her.

"Well, she's scared and needed to know Santa would be able to find her. I was the same way at her age and would call my dad. He always told me the same thing I told Sari."

"That explains why he was smiling when you were telling her that. We should probably check the house out again before we head home." I look at her.

She nods and we make our way back to Jenny's house. We left the kitchen light on since we could see it from every angle outside. The lights were flickering again and Izzy pulls out her phone.

"Sam, meet Dean and I at Jenny's. The lights are going haywire again," Izzy says.

"Yeah, we're right around the corner." She pauses. "See you in a few."

As we were heading around the corner we see Sammy heading inside. We watch as the door slams shut and we take off running. I kick in the door only to find that Sam's in the kitchen. I pull out my gun as I see a firey figure appears. The figure starts changing and before I could shoot at it, Izzy puts her hand on my gun and lowers it.

"Don't," she says. "Look."

I watch as the figure turns into my mother. We see the poltergeist appear and our mom tells it to let Sam go. She looks over her shoulder at me and Izzy and smiles. Izzy gives back a small smile as I just stare at her. Our mom looks at Sam and says she's sorry.

"Mom?" I say.

"Leave my boys alone and get the hell outta my house!" She tells the poltergeist.

They both disappear in a big ball of flame and the three of us duck from the heat. After everything is done and said the three of us look at each other. Izzy runs over to Sam and pulls him into a hug. Bobby and dad came running over as we were exiting the house.

"What in the world happened?" Dad asks.

"The poltergeist was back. We saw the lights flickering and Izzy called Sam." I look at him.

"I got to the house first, but they weren't far behind. I got inside and then was forced into the kitchen. It pinned me to the wall and then Dean and Izzy broke down the door."

"You're okay though, right?" Dad asks.


We got back to the house after telling Bobby and John what happened. Sam said he is fine, but John and Dean weren't buying it. Dean and I head up to the room and he goes straight for the shower. I change into another pair of clothes and get into bed. I close my eyes and the next thing I know, I'm no longer in my bed.

"Isabella, dear open your eyes." Mary's voice comes from beside me.

I open my eyes and turn my head to the side to face her. "Mary? What's going on? Where am I? Why am I here?"

"We're in my old family cabin. I needed somewhere to talk to you and this was the only place I could get to without being spotted by Castiel or God. I see Dean asked the big question," she says.

I look down at my hand and see the engagement ring. "Yes, he did ask and how could I say no to him? We've been crushing on eachother forever and it's my dream come true. What did you need to talk to me about?"

"Dean. I didn't do much, but acknowledge him when I was at the house. I feel bad about it because he deserved better, but if I didn't stop the poltergeist then she would've killed Sam. I want you to bring Dean here and give him that. There's a letter in there along with some things he may like to have." She points to a box by the fire place.

I also have boxes for you, Sam, John, and Charlie. They are here as well, but I think you can take those back to them when you head back."

"So, exactly when are we supposed to come here?" I ask her.

"You guys will be here until after the New Year. Come in a few days and you two should be back by time you leave for Washington."

"Sam's heading to Stanford in the Fall and this summer Dean, Sammy, and I are doing a road trip."

"Cass is coming. I'll try to be in contact soon." She disappears.

I wake with a gasp and see that Dean is no longer in bed. I knew we had been asleep as the sun was starting to rise and his side of the bed looked very slept in. I could hear people downstairs and realized that it's Christmas morning. I hop out of bed and throw my robe on before heading downstairs.

"You were dead to the world last night sweetheart," Dean says as he kisses my head.

"Sorry," I say. "I was really worn out after the events of yesterday. Are Jenny, Sari, and Ritchie awake?"

"Yes, they've been waiting for you to get up. I was going to bring you a cup of coffee and wake you up, but you beat me to it," he tells me.

We walk hand in hand to the living room to see Sari bouncing around. When she sees me she jumps up and runs over to me.

"You were right! Santa knew we were here because he brought our presents here." Sari smiles.

"Alright let's open these gifts." Jenny hands Sari a box.

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