Chapter 20

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**Almost Two Months Later**


Today is the day I'm walking my baby down the aisle to the man of her dreams. John, Bobby, Fran, Sara, Jody, Sam, and I were the only ones that were here for their big day. Fran and Sara made a trip to see the kids get married. Bobby and his friend Jody Mills came up to support them. I asked if Bells was gonna invite her mom and new husband, but she told me there was no way in world she would do that.

"Mom wouldn't come even if I did invite her. She has never liked Dean and she would really hate that I'm marrying him," she says.

"Well, I'm sorry she's not going to be here although we could all do without the drama today." I smile at her.

She nods and tells me to go check on Dean for her. Fran, Sara, and Jody would be helping her get ready. I went to check in with Pastor Weber before checking on Dean.


Today I'm marrying the love of my life. Sam, dad, and Bobby are at the house with me. We were getting married in the backyard and she'd be heading over from her dad's house. Bobby hands me a flask and tells me to take a drink to calm my nerves.

"You ready to get married, idjit?" Bobby asks.

"To Izzy? Hell yes! I'm never gonna get rid of the nickname, am I?" I ask.

"No, idjit, you will never get rid of the name. You better take very good of Isabella or we'll have issues. I also expect the two of you to visit me." He looks at me.

There's a knock on the door and Sam opens it. Charlie comes in and smiles when he sees me. He pulls me into a hug and I hug him back. He was another father figure for me and I'm not sure what I'd do without him.

"You look as nervous as Izzy does. You two will be fine," he tells me.

"How much sleep did she get last night?"

"Not very much. She was texting me all night," Sam says.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him.

"You didn't need to worry about her last night. She was stressing about today, but she's fine," Charlie says.

"Renee isn't showing up, is she?" Sam and I ask at the same time.

"No, Izzy didn't invite her. She doesn't approve of Dean and she'd just start crap neither of you would need that on today of all days."

"Now, if no one shows up that's not invited, that'd be awesome." I smirk.

An hour later I'm standing at the alter waiting on Charlie and Izzy. Paul, Rebecca, and Billy ended up showing up shortly before the wedding started. Rebecca couldn't wait to see Izzy in her dress and I couldn't wait to get it off her. The march starts and Izzy and Charlie come walking down the aisle. I could see that Izzy had been crying, but I wasn't sure what had happened.

"Who's giving her away?" The pastor asks.

"Her father," Charlie answers.

He places Izzy's hand in mine and goes to sit in his chair. Charlie, Billy, Paul, Rebecca, and Sara were sitting on her side while my dad, Bobby, Jody, Sam, and Fran were sitting on my side. The pastor clears his throat and starts the ceremony.

"I now announce you Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winchester. You may now kiss your bride."

I pull her veil up and pull her into my arms. I kiss her and hear everyone clapping and cheering for us. We pull apart and walk down the aisle as husband and wife. We were heading into Seattle for the recepiton and since we didn't have a number of people we said twelve just to be sure. Paul, Rebecca, and Paul took their car. Sam, Izzy, Sara, and I took Baby while Charlie drove the others in his truck.

**In Seattle**


Sara and I sat in the back while Sam and Dean sat in the front, driving. Sara kept gushing over my ring and how her husband should upgrade hers when she gets home. I laugh and tell her that Dean did a very good job picking the ring. Dean looks at me in the rearview mirror and smiles.

"Today, was surprisingly warm and I'm so glad we were able to have the wedding outside," I say.

"Yeah, it's been raining since Fran and I got here. I was happy to have a semi warm day. The wedding was beautiful and I'm so glad we could make it," Sara says.

"It was unusually warm for a February day," Sam says.

"Yes it was. Anything odd going on?" Dean asks.

"One of our dads would've said something. I haven't noticed any thing off," I tell him.

"Why is it unusual to have a warm day in February?" Sara asks.

"Its never warm. Especially in February. Usually this time of the month we're about two feet deep in snow. The summer time it's usually warm, but raining. Its supposed to be cold and snowy, not warm and sunny." I look over at her.

Dean announces that we're here and I look out the windshield. I see a club that's very hard to get into on a good day. I tell Dean that Sam and I weren't going to be able to get in. Dean opens my door for me and hands me something. I look down and see a fake I.D. It said that I was twenty-one and would be twenty-two in September.

"Sam already has one, but don't let Sara know. She doesn't need to know that you're using a fake I.D.," he says.

"What about my dad?" I ask.

"He knows. Hes fine as long as you don't use it very often," he tells me.

I smile and Sara asks if everything is okay. I nod and tell her I thought I forgot my I.D., but I had given it to Dean earlier. She smiles and Rebecca meets us halfway to the door.

"Now, your married so better chop chop and hurry on making those babies," she says with a laugh.

"I'm not looking to have kids quite yet. I've still gotta figure out what I'm going to do," I tell her.

"Dizzy Izzy!" Paul shouts.

**In The Club**

Thirty minutes into being inside the club I've danced with about every one in our group. Everyone kept buying us drinks, but Rebecca, Jody, and my dad werent drinking. They planned on being DD's for the rest of us.

"Dance with me?" Dean asks.

"Yeah," I say.

He holds out his hand and I take it. He pulls me out to the dance floor. I throw my arms around his neck and lean my forehead on his chest.

"You know today has to be one of the best days I've had in a long ass time," Dean says.

"I know it's one of mine. I'm no longer with my mom and I can be on my own." I smile up at him.

"I love you, Izzy," he tells me before kissing me.

"Love you too Tiger," I say back.


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