Chapter 17

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"Dean what are you doing?" I ask turning around.

"Izzy, once you hit fourteen I knew you were the one for me. Bobby gave that Camaro for me to fix up for Sam's sixteenth birthday, but I knew how much you loved Baby, so I built that car for you. When I called you on your birthday I planned on spilling my guts. I love you Isabella and I would love for you to become my wife. Will you marry me?" He asks.

I look at Sam and the others sitting at the table with us. When I look at my dad he smiles and nods his head. John is smiling and Bobby is shaking his head. Sam has a smile on his face. I look back down at Dean and know he's waiting for an answer.

"I would love to become your wife Dean. Yes, my answer is yes," I say standing up.

He puts the ring on my finger and pulls me into his arms. We kiss and pull away to Fran, Sara, and our table clapping their hands. Dean and I pull apart just so John could pull me into his arms.

"Welcome to the family sweetie," he says kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, well now you know I'm not going anywhere. Refrain from calling me any names and we'll be peachy John." I smile.

"Can't bring yourself to say Uncle John anymore can you?" He laughs.

"Not really. Your going to be my father in law so maybe I'll start calling you dad," I say.

"I'd be okay with you calling me dad. Sam is behind you," he says walking away after kissing my cheek again.

I turn around to be pulled into Sam's arms. I smile and hug him back. After everything the two of us have gone through we are finally going to be family.

"I can officially call you my sister. Do you know how often I've caught myself calling you that?" Sam smiles.

"I wouldn't have minded. I've always seen you as the brother I would never have," I tell him with a smile. "On the brighter note, you've been my best friend for years and you know me better than anyone. Dean included. What am I gonna do when you head off to college?"

"You'll manage. I'm sure Dean and dad will let you take my place with them. You always have a home to go to when you two have down time. I'll make you come see me or I'll come to you. I'm sure Dean will keep you on your toes." He smiles.

"My baby is getting married," my dad says walking over to us.

"Haha, yeah. Did you know about this before hand?" I ask him.

"Sure did. What are you and Sam talking about?" He asks.

"He's heading off to Stanford soon. I asked what I was gonna do with out him."

"You're really going?" My dad asks him.

"Yes, sir. Might as well do some good."

**Later That Night**


"You guys might want to come see this," I say.

"What are you doing out here?" Izzy asks, coming from the house.

"Look at the house next door," I tell her, pointing to our old house.

The lights are flickering and the mom is moving around in the house. Izzy runs back into the house grabbing the binoculars so we could see a little better.

"I let our dad's, Bobby, and Sam know. Sam is inside trying to figure out what's going on. Our dad's and Bobby went next door."

"I dont think they're gonna make it in time," I say, tossing the binoculars to the side.

I jump over the fence separating the back yards. I bust in the back door and pull out my gun. I hear someone behind me and see Izzy already has her gun, a flashlight, lighter fluid, and a lighter. I shake my head because she wasn't sure what we were dealing with. I see a bag sticking out her hoodie pocket and I tilt my head to the side.

"Salt. I've got a small backbag with other things in it as well." She smiles.

"At least you're prepared for anything at this point. I'm gonna have to take you on a job just the two of us," I tell her.

"Izzy? Dean? What's going on?" Jenny asks.

"Have you noticed that your lights are flickering?" Izzy asks.

"I thought it was just an electric issue. I mean this house is old," Jenny says.

"Mommy!" Her little girl screams.

The three of us run past the front door to the kid's room. I hear the door being broken in and know our dads and Bobby were in the house as well. Izzy was the first in the room and she cursed.

"What the Hell is that?" Izzy turns to me.

"Nothing I've ever seen," I tell her.

"That's not what got me and Sammy, so what the fuck was that?"

"Got you and Sammy? Who is Sammy?" Jenny asks.

"What happened? Is everyone okay?" Charlie comes running into the room.

The thing that disappeared was back and Charlie shot at it. We looked at him in wonderment because that was a nice shot.

"Was that a damn poltergeist?" Izzy asks.

"It was, but I'm not sure about the flames." Charlie looks at us.

"I haven't seen one in a while," I say. "Jenny, why don't you take Sari and Ritchie to our house next door. We'll figure this out, but for now you three will be safe next door. Bobby, why don't you take them over there. The four of us will secure the house and be back soon."

After Jenny, Sari, Ritchie, and Bobby leave the house my dad looks at me. I give a weak smile because at one point this was my room. Ritchie was in Sammy's old room. My dad pats me on the shoulder and Izzy comes up from behind me.

"You know there are a ton of memories in this room."

"Yeah, and most of them had you in them. I remember when you came to visit and stayed the night while dad worked late." I hug her to me.

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