Oh No

423 24 0

Amanda's POV.

Calvin rushed into the squad covered in blood, he was disorientated and confused. "Where's Liv?" I asked Nick and he just shrugged.

"I'll call her" he said taking our his phone and dialing Olivia. Meanwhile I got Calvin cleaned up and took him to the cribs. "Amanda I did somethin real bad" he said shuddering.

"What is it" I said wiping some blood from beneath his eye.

"I think she's dead"

"Who's dead?"

"I think I killed her"

"Killed who Calvin?" I asked now becoming very concerned.

"Olivia" he said and now I was panicked, I didn't know if he was just confused or if he actually killed her but I couldn't hang around to find out. 

I rushed to Olivia's apartment and there she was on the floor, blood was everywhere and she was still warm. "Liv! Liv can you hear me?" I called.

"I-it was an accident" she said struggling to speak.

"It's OK I called a bus, and El's on his way" I said, I couldn't put pressure on her wounds because she had too many. Just then Elliot rushed in, he knelt beside her and took her in his arms.

"It's OK I gotcha" he said softly, we heard the ambulance and Elliot carried her bridal style down the stairs (the lift was broken at the worst possible time). We met the paramedics who took Olivia from us.

"El...stay with me...please" Olivia called weakly. Elliot got into the ambulance and the doors closed behind him.

Elliot's POV.

I head Olivia's trembling hand the whole way, I couldn't believe Calvin could do such a thing (if it even was him). We got to the hospital and I wasn't allowed stay with her. "Please you don't understand" I said desperately.

"I'm sorry sir family only" he said.

"She is family" i protested but he just gave me a sympathetic look before closing the door.

Enjoy! soz it's short might need help.

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