It's Just Ramen | Modern Naruto

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Christmas was tomorrow and due to all the college work you had to catch up on before Christmas break the thought to get Naruto, your boyfriend- a gift completely slipped your mind. There wasn't enough time to save up for something big and there were only cheap trash gifts that your budget could handle.

Naruto was coming over to your apartment tomorrow so you guys could spend Christmas and exchange gifts together. Once you had realized you needed to get him a gift you threw on your scruffy winter coat and walked to the nearest store.

'Theres gotta be something nice for him here.'

You picked up a red and ugly Christmas sweater and cringed at the purple reindeer glued to the front. There was black gum shaped like charcoal but knowing Naruto he'd take the whole 'you get charcoal because you were naughty' thing seriously.

Finally you were stuck with the 99 cent Ramen Noodles in a cup. Yes the thought that you actually got Ramen over a normal Christmas present kinda lowered your self esteem, but he would like it anyways right?

*Le next day*

Your were so worried about your cheap present that you took the time to make a speech about how Christmas isn't all about presents in case he complained. Naruto hadn't called ahead of time so when you heard pounding on the door and loudly at that, your memorized speech went down the trash.

"Hey! [Name] I'm here!" Your right hand reached for the door knob but the other hand stopped it's actions. "I can see you through the glass [Nickname], I'm coming in!"

A small smile played on your lips as the blonde took his snowy hat and coat off. "M-merry Christmas Naruto-kun." He looked up at you and grinned. "I told you already no need for honorifics what am I your kinder-garden crush?" Well you were at one point...

"I swear your cold blooded [Name] it's like 60 degrees in here."

"Sorry I'll turn the heat up." You tried to gracefully slip away when Naruto's hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug. "Wait I have your present." His rough voice went low and soothing to just above a whisper.

After releasing you from his warming embrace he pulled out a small box and bent down. "N-Naruto! Your not gonna?"

"Huh? Oh sorry no I just saw a penny heads up and couldn't resist." He stood back up and held the back of his neck with a smile. After his bright smile died down he opened the box that showed a sparkling necklace with a heart shaped diamond in it. "Merry Christmas [Nickname]."

He laughed at your surprised expression. "Naruto is this real? It's so beautiful it can't be fake! How much did you pay for it because I know you were mentioning money problems last week! I can't accept this!"

"Oi [Name]! It doesn't matter how much it cost just accept it and then turn the heat up to make up for it!"

"O-okay but at least let me give you my gift first." You mumbled as the future embarrassment of your gift played through your mind. "I didn't have time to get you anything else, I'm sorry and this doesn't even compare to's just Ramen."

You held out the cup of Ramen and Naruto's smile turned into a surprised expression. "It's...just Ramen?" He said seriously. "L-listen m-mister Christmas isn't about-"

"Its just Ramen!" He smiled and took your gift and swiftly snuggled it like a baby. "Your happy about this?" You questioned his sanity at the moment. He held 2 fingers up at you. "There are 2 reasons I'm happy right now, number 1, I was so scared you were gonna get me a gift I would have to rob a bank to compare and number 2, I love Ramen ya know!"

Your frown turned into a pleasing smile and you admired his truly satisfied expression. "Merry Christmas Naruto-kun!!" You threw him into a heart warming hug unexpectedly. "Again with the Kun!" His presence alone made you feel like it was heaven. "Just deal with it before I decide not to turn the heat up."

"Okay Kun is fine!"

A/N: My first one-shot ever... Thanks for reading and sorry for any mistakes throughout the story!

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