Chapter 25-Insurgent Headquarters

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'Headquarters' is a university campus in the heart of Paris. Norbert stops the jeep right in front of the administrative building's entrance. A guard at the entrance is given instructions to take us to "The Commander."

My hand stays firmly in Kaden's the whole time as we walk through various hallways and climb flights of stairs until the guard stops in front of a door and knocks. When a voice calls out to him, he opens the door and steps inside to explain our arrival. Then we file in, first Kaden, then me.

I trip over my own feet when I see who is at the desk. An old man with grey hair and a short beard is seated at the desk but my eyes are glued to the person who stands behind it.

It's Vivienne Clement.

Her eyes narrow at the sight of us but she doesn't say anything. Breathing heavily, I glance at Kaden to see my shock mirrored on his face.

"Welcome, I'm The Commander. I'm one of the leaders of the insurgent and while you work with us, you'll report to one of my lieutenants who will report all your activities to me. Viv darling, please fetch your brother for me."

"Yes, grandfather." She says, leaving me even more confused.

Vivienne's grandfather goes back to studying some papers on the desk while Kaden and I awkwardly wait in silence, glancing at other once. A few minutes later, a man enters the room, some years older than Vivienne. Her brother.

"Luca. These two are your latest charges. Show them their living quarters and assign them their work." The Commander instructs and Luca gestures at us to follow him. He leads us back outside where the sun is a welcome change from the freezing cold inside the building.

"This is the office building. The Commander and all his lieutenants have their offices here. I'm taking you to the barracks which are university dorms that we're using as living spaces for our members. You'll be assigned tasks since we're short of help at headquarters." Luca says.

"Short on help?" I brave the question.

"Most of our members are stationed at the barracks to keep out the military and hence, protecting all our lives." Lucas replies.

His words make my eyes flicker to the ground as the painful images of destruction that followed the Parisian attack replays in my mind from the inn's television screen.

As soon as the door to the dorm room on the third floor of the building closes behind Luca, Kaden wraps his arms around me. I lean into his arms as a few tears leak out.

"They killed so many people. They killed Camille's mother." I gulp.

Kaden rubs my back, "They're in the dark about the truth, remember? That's why we're here."

I straighten up and wipe away the tears as Kaden kisses my cheek and then a ticklish spot on my neck which makes me giggle and playfully push him away.

"Lucas said to report to his office in an hour. Do you want to rest?" He asks.

"Yes please." I sigh, flopping onto one of the two beds in the room.

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