Chapter 34-Party

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Tonight is a party, thrown in honor of Kaden and me. Deciding a new dress with Amarna has been exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time because it's been a while since I had the media's undivided attention.

I admire the floor length, emerald green gown as Amarna fastens the clasp of my necklace and then steps back.

"Thank you, Amarna. I love it." I sigh at the gorgeous dress in the mirror.

"Is there anything you want adjusted?" She asks me.

"It's perfect." I turn around and smile at her. "I'm going to head downstairs now."


Guests have started to arrive and some stop to say hello as I linger by the staircase, waiting for Josie. I'm reciting my speech in my head when I see her appear at the top of the stairs. I've seen her formally dressed plenty of times over our years of dating and now marriage but she takes my breath away every single time.

Half way down the stairs, she notices me and gives me a small smile as she continues down and takes my outstretched hand.

"You look beautiful." I say, kissing her cheek.

"Thank you." She smiles shyly.

Osten walks out of the Great Hall and spots us, "There you are. Dad's looking for you, Kaden."

"I'll be right there." I tell him and then offer my arm to Josie, "Shall we?"

She happily takes my arm and we walk in together.


After a few minutes, Kaden drifts off to find his dad while I get stopped by well-wishers every few steps. My dress is a massive hit and gets me compliments from almost every lady in the room, even the queen herself.

"That dress is stunning." Eadlyn says, walking over to me.

"Look who's talking." I say back and she indeed does look gorgeous in her midnight blue gown.

"Where are the children?" I ask her.

"Kerttu is around here somewhere, I think Erik has her and Edward was fussing so he's with his nanny." She tells me.

Right on cue, Erik joins us with Kerttu in tow. I chat with Eadlyn for a few more minutes before turning my attention to Kerttu who wears me down until Eadlyn reappears and sends her off with her nanny to bed.

I make my way to one of the refreshment tables and help myself to some food.

"Woah. What made you this hungry?" I hear Kaden behind me.

"Kerttu." I reply, biting into my second finger sandwich.

"Understandable." He nods, making us both laugh.

John comes over and tells Kaden that it's time for his speech.

"Ready?" Kaden looks at me.

"I just need to stand there and smile. You'll be doing all the talking." I remind him.

He shrugs playfully, "Oh well."

We head to the front of the hall where a podium with a microphone is a set up on the dais where the thrones are. Kaden takes his place and I stand next to him as he taps the microphone once to get the attention of the crowd.

"Good evening, distinguished guests." Kaden starts.

"Thank you for joining us tonight as Princess Josephine and I settle back into our royal roles after free-lancing across half of France. You have probably heard all about our adventures by now." This earns him some enthusiastic nods from the crowd.

"Well, the facts are all there but the truth is there were more than one instances where I would've backed out completely and come back home if Josephine had not been with me." This takes me by surprise.

"She was my catalyst and support that got me through the toughest of days in France. And I cannot thank you enough for it, Josie." Kaden turns to smile at me and I smile back at him through the tears in my eyes.

He takes my hand as he continues his speech about all the formalities of the negotiations with the insurgents and provides an update on France and Illea's efforts to help the French restore their country to its former state.

The end of his speech is met with a long, loud applause and some people even break protocol by cheering for their prince. Kaden takes it all good naturedly and waves at the people as we step off the dais.

The music restarts and everyone returns to eating, dancing and chatting. We've only walked a few steps when our parents descend upon us with hugs and praises.

An hour or so later I'm talking to Sharon when Lady America comes over, "Josie, have you seen Kaden?"

"I saw him with Erik but that was a while ago." I tell her.

She frowns, "Well, if you come across him tell him that Maxon needs him."

"I will." I tell her and then leave Sharon to hunt down Kaden.

On a hunch I head to the fourth floor library but before I reach it, I notice that the door of one of the balcony's looking out at the back of the palace is ajar. I walk over and look out to find Kaden leaning against the railing.

I don't need to say anything because the clicking of my heels against marble announces my presence.

Kaden slides his hands into his pockets and turns around, leaning his back against the railing as I approach him.

"Needed fresh air?" I ask as I stop next to him.

"That and I was just about to send for you." He says.

"Why?" I ask, frowning.

He takes a deep breath and then looks at me, "Eadlyn and the government want me to take the position of the Foreign Minister on the Cabinet."

I feel my eyes widen and my heartbeat accelerate. "Kaden that's amazing!"

He sighs and shakes his head, "I've already asked you for too much in the last few months. I can't ask you to travel with me all over the world and stay away from your family."

I level a mock glare at him and place my hands on my hips, "Everything I did was by my own choice. You didn't even have to ask me, I would've done it all anyways. And more importantly, you are my family now. You're the only one I need with me every day. So, Kaden Schreave you're going to go downstairs and tell them that you're taking the position."

I've barely stopped speaking before Kaden pushes a hand into my neatly curled and pinned hair and wraps his free arm around my waist to draw me to him. I sigh into the kiss which lasts longer that either of us intended it to.

"I don't deserve you." He says, looking at me.

I playfully flip my hair, "Well, I am quite high maintenance."

"That I can handle." He smiles as he kisses me again.

The story is coming to an end. I will post the last chapter (the epilogue) as soon as it's  written! :)

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