Chapter 1

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"We're almost there," the chauffeur called to two women and a man all dressed in blue.
"Thank you Mr Dipper," Cancer smiled graciously to her driver. Mr dipper saluted and parked the car. He got out and opened the door for cancer, Gemini and Sagittarius to walk out. "We get to see the others!" Gemini grinned. Sagittarius nodded, he sneakily took the girl's hand. Gemini blushed. Cancer paid no attention to her two best friends, instead she embraced a man clad in green. "Capricorn! How have you been?" She asked.
"Very well Cance, you?" The man said. She took his offered forearm and they walked into the building together. "I've been alright, Serpentine still has their war beacons lit though and I'm slightly worried they'll attack," cancer said truthfully. Capricorn frowned.
"We'll discuss the matter inside, let's go Cance," he pulled her arm slightly and they walked into a grand room where eight people where already sat around the round table.

"What's been happening?" Aries questioned

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"What's been happening?" Aries questioned.
"we've been having sights of Serpentine's War Beacons being lit, we can also see them preparing battleships for war," Sagittarius said. "You don't think they'll try to attack Atlantis? They wouldn't dare after King Lupus tried and failed," Virgo frowned.
"The world has become more technologically advanced. They might've found powerful allies as well," cancer said.
"We're allies! We're powerful! We're technologically advanced!" Scorpio retorted.
"Yeah, but we don't have everything, in Atlantis we only have giant crossbows, no canons or anything. Just bows and crossbows," Sagittarius said.
"Why don't we all give each other something that'll help defend our kingdoms?" Aquarius suggested.
"Maybe that'll work. But what about time?" Leo asked.
"The battleships look ready from the telescopes," Gemini said.
"They might have an air fleet too," Libra said.
"We can compete with that. Asgard has the largest air fleet in the world," Taurus nodded. "Serpentine is good at keeping things hidden," Virgo said.
"You speak from experience?" Pisces questioned.
"My parents sent me there to discuss trade. They kept a really big gold mining thing from us! They even blew me off, saying they had all that they needed," Virgo said.
"If they have a lot of gold they can build bigger armies," Capricorn said.
"Oh crap. We're doomed," Cancer said.
"We'll fight our best," Gemini sighed.
"You guys can't give up," Virgo said.
"Well. I could unleash a bad storm maybe, get my granddad's trident to make it worse," cancer tapped her chin thoughtfully.
"That might work," Sagittarius grinned. A guard came in. "Queen Cancer, Atlantis needs you to come back urgently," the guard said.
"Okay. Good day my friends, let's go Sagi, Gem," Cancer stood up.

"Something doesn't feel right," Capricorn said. "I know what you mean Cap. Something is wrong," scorpio agreed.
"What if the lookouts spotted Serpentine's ships coming this way?" Virgo asked quietly. The remaining nine went silent.

Cancer walked back into the palace. Someone was sitting on her throne. Her eyes narrowed. "What do you want Ophichus?" She hissed. Sagittarius and Gemini narrowed their eyes. "Who knew taking over Atlantis would be so easy? Oh yes, Because their queen, princess and general weren't here. Their biggest line of defense. Yes. We knew you were at the meeting," Ophichus grinned. "Guards, take them to the dungeon. Oh and Cance sweetie, it's Queen Ophichus," the woman smirked. Cancer glared at the green haired 'queen' and went down to the dungeons with the Serpentine Soldiers. "My queen," one of the soldiers muttered. "Do you want me to send a message to Eden, Asgard and Camelot?"
Cancer nodded. "Tell them, write this word for word, to Cap, Libra and Aries, we've been betrayed. There's a traitor who knew we would be at the meeting. Be careful. Don't save us. We'll get out on our own. Love you, cancer," the soldier nodded. Cancer smiled weakly then followed Sagittarius and Gemini into a cell. The other guards clipped handcuffs onto the three powerhouses of Atlantis' arms, legs and one around their necks (the arm ones are the ones Elsa has to wear in Frozen I).

Everyone was about to leave, but then a messenger came in, out of breath. "Speak," Aries said.
"to Cap, Libra and Aries, we've been betrayed. There's a traitor who knew we would be at the meeting. Be careful. Don't save us. We'll get out on our own. Love you, cancer," the messenger read. "Damn it," Scorpio swore. Pisces put a hand in his shoulder. "We have to help her," Virgo said. "She told us not too. We can't underestimate her, sagi and gem. She never breaks her promises," Aries said.
"I don't like it but Aries is right. We need to build up our armies, is Eden or Asgard closer to Atlantis?" Capricorn asked.
"Eden," Leo answered.
"Shoot. We must go before Ophichus decides she wants to have more," Aquarius said. Libra nodded her head. "We'll send in some soldiers, will they be able to find the entrance of Eden anyways?" She asked.
"Don't know. Not many can survive Zodia Forest, let alone manage to find the entrance to Eden unless someone from Eden is with them, neither Sagi or Gem were born in Eden so she can't use them..." Aquarius trailed off.
"Cancer knows where Eden is. She's a ruler which means she has to know," Capricorn said. "Cancer is stubborn," Pisces said.
"Enough that she dies while they try to force it out of her," Scorpio muttered. Everyone paled. "She can use her powers, and I bet you she still has some loyal to her in the palace," Taurus said.

"Cancer. Do you know where Eden is? It's next on my shopping list, you should know sweetie. If you don't tell I'll have to use force," ophichus bent down to cancer's level. Gemini kicked the serpentine Queen. "No Gemini. Leave it, you too Sagittarius," cancer gave a warning glare.
"Listen to your queen," ophichus barked.

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