Chapter 2

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"Do you think she'll spill?" Libra asked Capricorn. The three rulers that weren't in jail were having a meeting in Eden. "If they torture her enough, or if they go for Gem and Sagi she might," Aries said. "She loves them like siblings,"
"Yeah. I just hope that she won't. Ophichus isn't exactly stupid, but I doubt she'll think of torturing anyone but Cancer. Then Cance won't break, if she won't break, it's an upper hand for us because Ophichus needs her alive. So, Eden is kept secret and Cancer is still breathing. Cancer is more important though," Capricorn said.
"Yeah. Smart. Thank the gods Cance is stubborn," Aries chuckled.
"I must depart Cap, Aries, I promised Taurus I would be back by now," Libra stood up.
"Catching feels for your best friend Libra?" Aries teased. Libra blushed.
"Wha- no! He's my brother and he cares for me, as do I for him. Enough of this childish loving," Libra swept her skirts away.
"Just a joke Lib! But by the way you acted-," Aries called after the queen.

"I hate that jerk," Libra huffed as she stormed up the steps to her palace. "He's just so- ugh!" she threw up her arms in defeat.
"You okay Lib?" Taurus asked, leaning against a pillar, easy smile on his face.
"Aries is a jerk," she muttered. Taurus laughed. "C'mon, lunch is ready, Scorpio's been talking to Pisces, she's bored and Virgo is training, so she decided to call Scorpio, after all, I had to help with the planes," Taurus rolled his eyes.
"Right. Well, is Pisces still online? I need to inform her Aries is being a bigger jerk than usual. We also need to talk about how we go about breaking Cance, Sagi and Gem out. I don't care what you say, we will do it," Libra said firmly.
"Okay. I like this idea, operation: jailbreak!" Taurus grinned. Scorpio walked over.
"What are we breaking into?" He asked.
"You mean breaking out of. We're breaking the Atlantians out of prison!" Libra said.
"Ok. Sounds like a plan. But how are we going to do it?" He questioned.
"Give them a false location of Eden, they go, we blow stuff up and kaboom! We get Cance, Sagi and Gem back," Taurus said.
"That's actually a good plan. Well done taurus," Libra smiled, clapping him on the shoulder.

"Do you think the others are going to listen to what cancer said?" Gem asked Sagittarius. He snorted. "Probably not. But we can break ourselves out anytime," he shrugged.
"Yeah. Should we do it now? I'm getting really bored," gem yawned.
"Let's wait for Cance to get back," Sagittarius said.
The queen entered the room, looking forlorn. "Can we break out yet? I hate Ophichus," she puffed out her cheeks. Gemini grinned.
"Wind?" She asked cheekily.
"Wind. And fire," Sagittarius nodded.
"And water," Cancer added.
Gemini blew the door down.
Sagittarius started rings of fire around guards and cancer made a huge tidal wave, destroying the front gates.
Gemini summoned a gust of wind to fly them to the edge of the forest whilst cancer made a water shield, so they wouldn't be followed.

Capricorn was tapping his fingers impatiently against his throne. Aquarius and Leo were somewhere, probably sparring so it was just him. Until his front doors were blown down that is. "Capricorn!" Cancer shouted. He stood up and ran to her. She hugged him. "I was so, so worried about you!" He breathed.
"Meh. You know I could've broken out anytime," cancer giggled.
"Guys. Y'know we're here right?" Sagittarius interrupted.
"Not like you're in a forbidden romance yourself Sagi. Yes. I do know about you and Gem," Cancer retorted.
"You won't tell anyone else?" Gemini asked desperately.
"As long as you don't tell anyone else," Capricorn shifted his grip to around cancer's waist.
"We swear," they said.

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