Chapter 4

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Aquarius sighed as she helped men onto planes. "They should know how to get on planes," she muttered.
"They're terrified and shaking. They need their queen to give them a speech," Gemini said.
"Libra, you finished?" Aquarius called to the ebony haired queen.
"Yes Aqua," the queen answered back.
"Wanna give the soldiers a speech?" Gemini snickered.
"I was going to do that anyway you know," Libra huffed.

Leo threw a cannonball to Sagittarius who caught it with one hand. "Thanks Leo," he called.
"No problem," Leo answered.
"Hurry up princesses," Aries shouted. The other fire signs glared at him.
"I am not a princess! I am a general!" Sagittarius scowled.
"I'm a prince," Leo whined.
"Hurry up, Ophichus could get here any minute," Aries ignored them.

"This'll be good for the fire signs," Capricorn said, looking down into the volcano.
"Yeah- hey! I found a pool of water!" Taurus shouted. Virgo studied it and poked her finger into the pool. She then popped it into her mouth. "Yeah that's water. Hot water," She gasped. Capricorn rolled his eyes and Taurus chuckled. "So... I found grass!" Taurus said. Capricorn looked over at the small patch of grass surrounded by volcanic rock.
Virgo flicked her hand and some flowers burst from the soil. "The light can be found in the most darkest of places, if one remembers to turn on the light," Capricorn said.
"I remembered," Virgo joked.
"Let's continue studying the terrain then get back to the castle," Taurus said.

"Scorp, does this one mean I use my water magic to spread over the body or put it inside the body?" Pisces called. Scorpio trundled over, looking disgruntled. "Ask Cance. You know I prefer not to heal," He said sourly.
"That's because you never could be bothered to learn. Pisces will teach you now, we need you Scorp," cancer came in.
"How?" Pisces asked.
"Cut my arm and show Scorpio how to heal it," the queen said.
"Fine," Scorpio grumbled. He took out his khopesh and cut cancer's arm. She winced slightly but then gestures to Pisces. "Okay, Scorp, take the water out of your body, like this," Pisces demonstrated.

"What are the water signs doing?" Capricorn asked.
"Teaching Scorpio how to heal," Aquarius answered.
"Who's demonstrating?" Libra asked.
"Cancer, Pisces is going through the healing process with Scorpio. Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini took up with the tactics," Aries answered.
"King Aries, we've spotted soldiers coming up, they're coming from the direction of the forest. Around 100 miles away," a soldier appeared.
"Thanks Crux. Get the soldiers in position. Virgo," Aries turned to his general.
"Got it," she nodded.
"Guys, we gotta go," Aquarius poked her head into the library. Scorpio finished healing cancer's arm then the water signs came out.
"Let's go. See you guys at the end," Taurus grinned.
"If we make it," Scorpio mumbled. Pisces elbowed him in the gut.

"We can do this," cancer breathed. Capricorn squeezed her hand. "We will do this," Gemini corrected. Sagittarius nodded.
"Let's bounce," he said.
"Love you guys," Pisces grinned. The twelve came into a hug then departed.

"I need them to activate the Solar Crystal! Dammit, you were supposed to be my spy!" Ophiuchus growled. A man covered in a cloak cowered before her. "It is not my fault m- my queen, they left me here," he stuttered.
"You're supposed to be Cancer's grand vizier! How could she forget you? Or how could Sagittarius and Gemini forget?" Ophiuchus thundered.
"T- they didn't have time m- my q- queen. They had to break out and all... y- you know," the man bowed his head.
"Where is your brother and sister?"
"C- Crux made it clear he didn't want anything to do with it and L- Lyra is smitten by S- Scorpio,"
"What about Orion? And Pegasus?"
"Peggy died three years ago and Orion is the captain of your army My Q- Queen,"
"Oh. Well, she was a good soldier. But- you better not disappoint me again Hydra,"
The green haired man nodded his head. The queen before him smirked. "You have no idea what's coming my loves," She fiddled with her jeweled dagger.

"So... did we forget about something?" Sagittarius asked, brow furrowed.
"Hmm.. uh- the traitor?" Gemini questioned.
"Who knew we were at the meeting?" Cancer laced up her boots.
"The chauffeur and The Grand Vizier," Sagittarius answered, sheathing his arrows in his quiver. Capricorn came in, twirling his nunchucks. "We're all set. Ready to go?" He asked.
"Theres no getting out of it. So, guess so," Gemini gulped.

"We can do this," Virgo breathed. Aries patted her shoulder comfortingly. "We can. And we will," he grinned.
"Of course!" Pisces threw her arms around their necks.
"Let's go," Libra said.

"We ready?" Taurus questioned. Scorpio nodded. "We sure are,"

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