Chapter 3

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Pisces walked down the hallway to the throne room where she heard raised voices.
"VIRGO! I TOLD YOU BEFORE, THEY'LL BE FINE. PISCES SAID SHE GOT A CALL. YES CANCER IS OKAY. YES AND SAGITTARIUS. OF COURSE GEMINI IS!" Aries shouted. Pisces opened the doors. You could actually see the tension in the room, the two in question were leaning over and glaring at each other, faces inches apart. "Afternoon you two. Did I interrupt something?" Pisces asked innocently. "No," they took five steps backward from each other.
"They're coming up here. Everyone is. Camelot is the furthest away from the coast and has the best fire power," Pisces explained. "Okay. Someone get their rooms ready. Ask if anyone is going to share. This may be a castle but I only have four spare rooms. Virgo, don't you have an extra bed in your room?" Aries questioned.
"Yes. I can house someone. Preferably a girl," Virgo answered.
"You and me can share your room V! The lone person can sleep in my room!" Pisces suggested.
"Very well then. who should the loner be?" Aries asked.
"Scorpio. He hates being sociable," Pisces said.
"Good call. Leo with Taurus, Sagittarius with Capricorn and Aquarius with Libra then? Plus you two and the other two from Atlantis?" Aries said. The girls nodded.
"We're preparing for war. I never thought this day would come," he sighed.

"That's such a good idea! Scouts are in this forest and will see us fly over them and will go into the direction of Eden. Cap, think!" Leo shouted.
"Aqua can make us invisible in a cloud," Cancer suggested.
Aquarius and Gemini looked at each other. "Can't wait to see Libra again," Aquarius grumbled. Gemini gave a nervous laugh. "Just wish it was in better circumstances," The blue haired girl added. Gemini nodded and slipped her hand into Sagittarius'. "What if one of us dies?" The general of Atlantis asked.
"We keep moving and grieve afterwards," Capricorn stated.
"Easier said then done. We need to split up into fours. One water sign with everyone. We can heal people," Cancer suggested.
"Okay. Four elements in a three. I call you, Sagi and Capricorn!" Gemini cried. They all laughed. "We'll get Taurus and Scorpio then," Aquarius suggested.
"Okay. Team one: Gemini, cancer, me and Sagittarius. Team two: Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo. Team three: Libra, Pisces, Virgo and Aries," Capricorn said. The others nodded.

"Let's bring the fleet. Scorpio. Alert the commanders we're flying," Libra instructed.
"Of course My Queen," Scorpio bowed out. "Taurus. Get ready. Pack weapons and a couple of spare clothes. We're off to war," Libra murmured. Taurus saluted.
"Roger my Queen," he stomped out. Libra slumped in her throne. "Never thought I'd see the day," she murmured, feeling her earrings. She then took the golden whip off her wrist and cracked it. "Been a while my old friend," she run a hand down the handle.

"Welcome to Camelot. I wish it were better circumstances," Aries frowned.
"Can we cut to the crap? Let us put our stuff down so we can quickly discuss what's been happening," Leo said. Aquarius elbowed him. "Ow!"
"Disrespectful idiot," Aquarius muttered.
"Pisces, show Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Libra to their rooms please. Virgo show Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Gemini to their rooms," Aries instructed. "Oh and, bring your weapons," the fire king added.

"Been a while since I touched this," Gemini grinned, taking out her crossbow. Cancer twirled her twin sai around her fingers and smirked, then hiding them in her dress. "Let's go Gem. We're keeping everyone waiting," the queen dusted off her gown. Gemini rolled her eyes and followed her best friend out of their room. "You're too good at hiding weapons girls," Leo said huffily.
"How so?" Libra raised a delicate eyebrow.
"Where even is your whip? Or aqua's knife? Or Virgo's daggers? Or Pisces' gun?" Leo asked.
"I'm wearing it as a bracelet," Libra answered. "You don't want to know where my knife is Leo," Aquarius said. The boys in the room raised their eyebrows. "It's in my boot. Jeez calm down," Aquarius rolled her eyes.
"Told them about the plan yet?" A gentle voice asked for the doorway.
"They're not allowed to reveal it without us Cance!" A bubbly voice answered.
"That's why we waited for you," Sagittarius called. The two girls came into the room and sat down.
"So, we had the idea of splitting up into fours. One element with each group. We've decided on the three groups," Capricorn said.
"Go on," Libra leaned over to hear better.
"Team one is me, Sagittarius, Gemini and Capricorn. Team two is Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius and Taurus. Team three is Pisces, Aries, Libra and Virgo," Cancer said.
"Team three should stay with Camelot, you guys know the terrain," Sagittarius turned to the team. They nodded.
"What about team two go into the army?" Taurus suggested.
"That would work. Okay, what about team one?" Aries asked.
"Um... why don't we go back to Eden and Atlantis? We can be spies," Sagittarius suggested.
"I don't think so. Team two, you can be spies," Libra shook her head.
"We'll be with the land army then," Gemini said.
"Okay. For now, water signs go read about healing and tactics. Earth signs, study the terrain. Air signs help with the fleet and fire signs get the weapons ready," Cancer said. "We will do this. We will win. No matter the costs," Leo said.
"So... we might die," Aquarius broke the silence.
"We won't. If any of you die I'll kill you," Scorpio said.
"So... no one die then?" Pisces raised an eyebrow.
"We'll try. But there's around... I hate maths.." Virgo frowned.
"There's around 1/12 chance one of us dies, I thought that was obvious," Taurus said. Virgo rolled her eyes. "Yeah. That is obvious," Sagittarius nodded. Virgo banged her head on the table. "Okay guys, stop winding up Virgo, we have to go," Aries chuckled, patting said girl on the back.
"Thanks," Virgo muttered.
So the zodiacs went off in their respective elements to do the tasks that were set for them to do.

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