Leather Kisses. 1

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UNDER © 2010 Jacqueline Michelle

This book is currently going under revisions...please excuse any discrepancies with the story or grammar/typos as this goes on. Revisions will take about a week or two. Final version of the story will be posted on INKITT for publishing reasons. I will only be keeping the first 10 chapters on Wattpad. I know this is troublesome but this book needs to be published so I can't keep it on Wattpad. You can find the link to the remainder of the book in the book description. If you go to my Wattpad profile, you can also find the link to my Inkitt page where you can find the rest of the book.

Thank you all for your patience :)


In the scientific world, the North side of a magnet is attracted to the South side of another magnet. When thrown together, a magnetic force is created between the two; a force so irrefutably strong that it cannot be stopped. In layman's terms, opposites attract.

This phrase not only applies in science, but in relationships. Considering relationships are generally based off common interests, its mind boggling to think that love interests can actually form between two completely and erratically different personalities. Following examples: Romeo and Juliet, Tony and Maria, and even Danny and Sandy.

How is this even possible? The less two people have in common, the less they will be able to relate to each other, thus resulting in a weak relationship. How is it that a preppy, goody two shoes and a reckless delinquent come together, despite their inability to relate and connect?

The answer: Love.

Although there is no love in the scientific world, it can be treated as an experiment, subjected to interfering variables and human error.

Love is the ultimate test. It's up to the lovers to correctly perform the procedure and magnetize themselves to the fullest degree, or else the experiment will blow up in their faces.

Living in a small town entailed going to a small high school. Going to a small high school implied that everyone knew everyone. Everyone knowing everyone meant endless drama, and no privacy.

Most residing families didn't move out of Oxford, Connecticut due to their love and contentment of the colonial town. The taxes were high, but the schools were strong. However, that meant that the majority of the student body had spent all of their education in the same public school system. Spending eleven years with the same group of people was exhausting.

By junior year, we had all had our embarrassing reputations exposed. Each person was defined not by his or her current achievements, but by their past mistakes. No one got a fresh start, and no one was safe from his or her previous horrors.

For example, in 9th grade, one of our varsity linebackers thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was the President of the United States, when he actually was only the Governor of California. While it was a stupid mistake, he was instantly labeled as an "unintelligent meat head." That reputation followed him for years, despite how many times he consecutively made the principal's honor roll.

As for me, I was never able to break out of the "preppy, smart, bound-for-Harvard League" shell. In 4th grade, I won the class spelling bee. In 7th grade, I had more books than friends. In 9th grade, I was elected class president.

But believe me, school wasn't my life.

Honestly, I'd rather be out with my friends or my boyfriend, Blake Salato, than studying at home. I'd rather wear comfortable converse and jeans, instead of my usual attire consisting of blazers and ballet flats.

Nevertheless, after years of struggling with who I was as a person, Blake "persuaded" me to accept my label as "Riley Jennings: Top of the Class; Candidate for Valedictorian; and Future Successful Business Woman." And so, I did – it was just easier that way.

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