|20| epilogue

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The smile on my face could not go away. I felt free. I wasn't constantly thinking about what might happen. Maybe it's the way that Reid assures me and the way I fell when I'm around him, but my head doesn't feel like its spinning whenever I'm with him. 

It had been a couple weeks. Finals were over, and summer had begun. It's hard to believe Junior year is over and that I've only known Reid for a few months. We had finished our exams last week and now everyone is at heading to Grace's house to go to the pool.

"Elllleeee," Reid draws out.

"What?" I laugh.

"You're beautiful," he smiles.

"You're not to bad yourself," I tease back.

"Come on we have to get going, or we will be late," I urge him, pushing him out the door.

"Late? It's not like we are going to school. It's summer you can't be late to anything," Reid replies.

"Oh really? Then what do you call being late to pick me up for our date last week?" I raise my eyebrow accusingly.

"That doesn't count, I had a flat tire! And I called you immediately to tell you I would be late!" He explains.

"Excuses, Excuses"  I say acting as if I don't care.

I see Reid moving towards me, and I know what he's about to do. I move away trying to dodge him but he grabs me by the waist and pulls me to him.

"Excuses, huh?" He says putting his mouth near my ear.

"Was it excuses when I made up for it afterwards?" He says whispering in my ear.

I shiver and he chuckles.

"Shut up," I pout.

"Guys save the lovey dovey crap for later and come help us," Liv says from the back of the car.

Reid mumbles something but I can't quite make it out.

We go help Liv put all the stuff in the back, before we head in the car and drive off. 

I'm happy with how car I've come in the last couple of months. I'm not so afraid anymore. I still have much to learn and things to go through but I'm looking forward to the person I become.

That was the epilogue (Chapter 20) of The Lonely Stars. I hope you enjoyed it. Guys I am so sorry for not updating this story in I don't know how many months. I just lost all motivation to right this story and I realized the plot moved along to fast. I need to go back and do so major editing. So for now this is the end. I will most likely add more chapters while I am editing because this story and timeline is way to short for my liking. Anyways, I love you guys and thank you so much for reading my story. I am working on a new story, I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, but I hope you like it. It will be up after I get some chapters written so I can post periodically. 

Love, Katie


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