Part 21

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*Eddie's POV*

*Two days later*

"What do you guys want to do?" Bev asks.

"We haven't gone canoeing at the lake yet," Stan states.

"That sounds like a good idea, how about we leave at 12:30?" Bill suggests. Richie and I head upstairs, what happened on the fourth of July is still fresh in my mind but Richie and everyone else makes me feel a lot better.

"Eds, don't forget your fanny pack like last time," Richie tells me. I snap the pack around my waist.

"I remembered this time, Babe," I laugh. Richie and I get sunscreen for the all of the Losers', Ben and Bev are getting food, Stan and Bill are getting towels, and Mike will get the canoes when we get there.

"Richie, Eddie, ready to go?" Mike shouts. Richie and I rush downstairs, hand in hand. We load into the van, Richie and I go to our prime spot in the back, Richie kisses me quickly. He takes my inhaler sneakily out of my fanny pack.

"Chee! Give it back!" I scream.

"Nope, not until I get a kiss," Richie says. Damn Richie's stubborn personality.

"Richie, give Eddie's inhaler back," Bev scolds like the mom she is. I kiss Richie quickly, suddenly needing my inhaler. I snatch it out of his hands before laughing in his face. I take a puff of my inhaler.

"I hate you," I whisper.

"You know you love me," Richie teases.

"I do actually," I say.

When we get there, I insist everyone puts on sunscreen. Everyone listens because they know how mad I'll get. Mike grabs our canoes and shows us how to actually canoe correctly. Richie and I pick our canoe, I decide to leave my fanny pack and bag behind. Mike pushes us in and we keep rowing. Surprisingly it goes well for a while until I row the wrong way, the canoe flips over. My arms and legs won't let me swim back to the surface, I let myself sink.

What, I'm actually posting? Surprise!

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