"How did you come up with Giggles?"

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Great question! Well, when I do any sort of acting or development of a character I begin with a'personal connection' making the character more of mine. It usually is simply traits, how they interact with people, behaviors, likes/dislikes etc. The possibilities are endless.

Back to the question however. So with Giggles, she's the type that hates adults but loves children. She has a sort of raspy voice that is somewhat high pitched with a monotone laugh that is actually pretty deep even for a clown.

A backstory starts off with her at about 7 when she started at CarnEvil as a young clown. She was always happy and loved everyone. She would do contortions and do tricks and tell jokes. Her makeup was a ghost white with bright colors with a bright green/yellow outfit. Always running around and playing with the other kids. Of course this story cannot be happy as something tragic happened. She had slipped and fallen one day and acquired today's personality. She left her makeup on and never took it off, it became more of a grey than white and darker instead of its bright colors it usually is. Her once blue eyes now became a black, her costume is all stained and old, and she finds joy in scaring everyone, except for kids. Entertaining them and making them laugh at her jokes is the only part she still retains. As for everyone else, pure hell will come your way. Snarls and screams, demonic laughing and screeching is all your going to get. Backbends and walking in a backbend and putting on a show for the guests is how she has fun. If she gets you on the floor, beware as it will only get worse.

Coming up with something is easy, stemming off from it not so much but possible. With the character, you come to know things about them that the guests may not even ask or know of. The more you know it, the more you can get out of the character.

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