005. red daughter.

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"This wasn't exactly the job offer I expected," Sakura said, her hands held out as a warning to anyone that would go near her.

"Ah, did our feathered friend not express our conditions?" Shigaraki put his hand to his chin.

"No, not at all," Sakura said, her eyes flashing toward Takami. He didn't respond, shrugging his shoulders in a nonchalant way.

"I just said job offer. You accepted, I delivered."

"You tricked me!" Sakura hissed. "I'm not here to participate in any villainy."

The other villains were on their guard. Takami watched her body language carefully. She was extremely tense, her movements much more robotic. Her eyes were wildly looking between every single person.

"You are a hypocrite," Kurogiri said. "Lay down your weapons, Red Daughter."

She raised a knife, twirling it in her hands. She held up her arms in fighting stance. Sakura moved her feet, digging one of her heels into the ground. "No."

"Get on with it then!" Shigaraki yelled. "Show us what makes you so special!"

It was a decently large space. Twice came out of nowhere, creating copies of himself. Sakura began fighting each one on her own, expertly moving through each putty recreation of him. Any villain that felt the need to attack her did.

She held off as many as she could, but he could see her struggling. It was at least seven versus just her, and the numbers kept growing.

Takami felt a pang of guilt. He wanted to help her, but he couldn't give away his position. As she fought furiously, Kurogiri sighed.

"We told you to bring her in willingly, Hawks."

Hawks scoffed, crossing his arms. Some of the lower villains were chanting, starting to yell. She was growing tired. Sakura kept going though, her knife slashing between villains. Her acrobatic moves lended her an advantage, as she could move between many and cause them to clash.

A blast of fire erupted from the side, causing her to roll to her side. It was reckless, even Hawks knew it. Openly torching everything inside was not a good idea. But, a desperate one.

"You don't play fair, do you?" Sakura said, wiping sweat from her brow. A clone came out of nowhere, knocking her knife out of her hand. Dabi came forward, kicking the knife away from her. His hand lit up with blue fire.

"Fair is just a construct. Play time is over."

Sakura waited until the perfect moment. She kicked the clone, launching him forward into Dabi, whom incinerated him immediately. Sakura stood in front of the cremating hero. She looked frantically around her for anything, but she had nothing.

She had been bested by those with quirks. Powerful quirks. Why isn't she stopping? Takami underestimated her morals and her will to fight.

Instead of kneeling, she ran forward, her fist pulled back. Dabi easily flicked a powerful flame, causing her to tumble backwards. Twice caught up to her, yanking back her arms behind her back.

Sakura's face was forced into the ground, Dabi's hand lighting up.

"Enough!" Shigaraki said, laughing to himself. "Tired, are we?"

"I— I was just getting— started," Sakura said, struggling under the hold of Twice and one of his clones.

"You've been bested," Kurogiri said.

"Either way you choose, you will not win," Shigaraki said. "You act so above us. Your organization is soaked in blood shed and shame. You either ascend with us or you die."

Is she not as evil as I had thought? Takami was beginning to think he made a mistake. The more Takami learned about this syndicate, the more questions he had. Sakura continued struggling.

"I will never commit chaotic acts of villainous intentions just for the sake of evil!" She spat.

There was a silence. "Have you forgotten the oath?" Kurogiri's voice rang over the room.

The oath? Takami was interested, almost showing signs of it on his face. He watched her relax, her eyes closing and her teeth grit. Twice let go, watching as she sat on the ground on all fours.

"Ah, so you do," Kurogiri said. "The oath states, if a Red Daughter was bested, she must comply with those who have successfully undertaken her until relieved. Failure to do so means immediate death."

Another silence.

"A red daughter is a servant to the blade," she started, her limbs shaking. "The blade has been broken unto thee. Forsake my blood, my life, my body; for I am now indentured to you."

Takami felt his mouth hang open. This was their plan all along. Servitude. Shigaraki clapped his hands together.

"What an exciting show! Now on to the importance, we have a job for you."

"What is it?" She asked, her words biting. She got to her feet, standing tall.

"Gather intel on heroes. We know of your talents, Red Daughter. Eliminate false gods," Kurogiri said. "Any way you can."

Takami's saw her eyes widen in the slightest way. A flash of fear? Her body relaxed, it was almost as if she was giving up. She held her head down, her red hair hanging over her face. Takami watched her grit her teeth. He didn't expect this.

"Yes, Master," she said, kneeling down onto her knees.

"Good!" Shigaraki put his hands together. "Your Mistress would be so pleased to hear you've upheld the code."

Takami tried to catch Sakura's eyes and he did. The brilliant blue piercing his soul. She glared daggers at him, but there was something else. He knew that look, he had seen it when he rescued a civilian and couldn't find their other half. He saw it when a child would put on a brave face.

It was pain.

It was pain

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