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♬ — smoke and retribution by flume

Takami did a once over of the entire villain attack. They attacked so openly, but they seemed to be affiliated with Shigaraki. Very loosely. A detective was squatted next to a villain who ended up dead. He had a cord wrapped around his neck, the marks deep and blue. His arm was completely mangled.

"Are you sure you didn't see anyone else while fighting?" The detective asked and Hawks shook his head.

"I would've noticed if we had another hero among us," Takami said, his curiously peaking. Whoever killed him was smart and used everything to their advantage.

"Maybe one of his comrades did this," the detective mused. "There were a couple of civilians here too."

"The reporter, Hiyoko, and a couple of other people," Takami lifted the villain's limp hand. The dislocation was clean, like it had been practiced. The rest of the cord had been cut off and lost. If only I knew where it came from.

Takami obliged an interview, using it to poke at that reporter. She had held on so tight to him. It was the first time he had seen so much fear in someone. It wasn't usual someone acted that way with me. She was different, he didn't know why, but he was going to figure it out.

That evening, Hawks found himself wandering the city streets as he headed toward the League of Villains headquarters. They were looking for more people to recruit. Reports of a new villain caused stirs in the streets. A formidable one with a chaotic plan for cleanliness. Whatever that meant.

Entering the headquarters, he caught sight of Sakura. She was wearing long black hair that reached down her back. Her deep red jumpsuit was just as tight skinned as her other outfits. Sakura's eyes flashed at him and she gave him a smirk, looking away.

"Red Daughter, congratulations on your first hero kill. The effort has not gone unnoticed," Kurogiri said, hovering over Shigaraki.

Sakura stepped forward in front of the other villains, who groaned. She made a dramatic bow.

"Thank you, Masters," her voice was filled with venom. She pulled out another object. It was a golden ring with a finger attached. She threw it forward. "Make it two."

Shigaraki started laughing maniacally in his chair, his fingers pressed together. He had stopped scratching. When did she kill another hero? That's impossible! Who did she get? When would the news report on it?

Takami remained cool and collected, trying to look anywhere but her spandex clad legs. She quirked her eyebrow.

"You have outdone yourself!" Shigaraki said, leaning forward. "If you keep going at this rate, we won't have anymore heroes to worry about!"

Sakura's expression didn't waver. But, Takami saw her finger twitch. Shigaraki got to his feet and approached her. Her body was tense, her movements going from fluid to rigid.

"What's your quirk, Red Daughter?" He asked, circling her. He spoke to himself for a moment, then looked back at her.

"It's against code to reveal myself," she said, watching him carefully. "You, of all people, should know this."

"Hm, you are correct. Never mind!" He began walking away. "Unless—"

Takami watched as several villains leapt forward, grappling at her arms. She tried to fight them off as the kicked in her knees, her legs bent on the ground.

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