007. double life.

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Hiyoko forced a smile through her report, even though her entire body hurt. She wouldn't sacrifice her appearance because the pain killers took twenty minutes to kick in. The previous night, she had soaked in an ice bath.

She was good at hiding her injuries. It started back in academy when she had to deal with diplomats and others on a daily basis. Makeup was part of her uniform. So were heels. When the cameras flashed off, Hiyoko took a second before getting to her feet.

"Hiyoko, would you like some water?"

"No," Hiyoko snapped. She got to her feet and listened to the rhythmic click of her heels against the tile floor.

A lot was going through her head. That evening, Hawks had shelled out an invitation to her. It really wasn't an invitation, it was a time and a place. How am I going to get the information? She thought about her options, sitting at her desk.

Sex was too easy. Not enough information could be gained. It was one of the better options for male heroes. Females weren't as quick to fall for that. Hiyoko began writing her political column with ease.

"You look extra stiff today," Toshito's smarmy voice invaded Hiyoko's thoughts.

"I can't deal with your sexism today, Toshito," Hiyoko spun around in her chair, holding a pen in her hands. "Go chase after another intern."

"I actually came to tell you that I need a favor."

Hiyoko leaned forward in her chair, giving him a stare. He never asked her for help and yet here he was. He looked incredibly uncomfortable. His face tinged a light pink and Hiyoko felt a grin growing on her face.

"Go on, then," She purred, putting her pen to her lips.

"I need you to interview Hawks for me. I— I can't seem to catch him. I'm in charge of a hero column and I have no idea what to do. I—" he sighed. "You always know how to find them. Just— I'll repay you somehow."

Yes, be in debt to me. It's what you deserve, fuckface. Hiyoko set down her pen, rolling around her chair and gathering her bag. "I'll do it. Do you have a list of questions?"

Toshito handed her a notepad. It was blank. Hiyoko rolled her eyes. "And you call yourself a journalist?"

"A news anchor, Hiyoko," he leaned in close, his voice shaking. "I'm not built to be going out in the field. People don't listen to me, but they listen to you. Just ask whatever."

"Whatever, Toshito. You owe me," Hiyoko left the office with her bag in tow. She knew where to find him. Hiyoko hated to say it but she had plotted out many of the hero maneuvers and how their schedules worked.

She needed to know where they would be. Would he recognize her voice? Any of her mannerisms? She decided against changing anything. That would draw even more suspicion. He's smarter than he lets on to be.

Hiyoko made her way outside of his office. Every day he would leave at a specific time for whatever reason. Maybe it was a meeting with villains? She didn't know. She would find out too. Hawks emerged and didn't see her immediately, standing tall.

His blonde hair caught the sunlight perfectly and the brilliance of his red feathers caught Hiyoko off guard. She hardened her expression and continued pressing forward. Hawks then caught her eye. He looked severely disappointed, throwing up his arms.

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