006. wolves.

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Sakura left the hide out with a sour look on her face. She could hear the footsteps of the bird man following close behind her. She continued walking, not ready to face him. He deceived me, how dare he?

"Sakura, wait—"

"Not waiting," she said, continuing on her walk.

"I didn't know they would do that," Hawks said to her, holding out a hand. "Why do you uphold the code? It does nothing for you."

"Some of us don't have the luxury of choosing our code, Tweety-bird."

She couldn't hear his footsteps anymore. She assumed he had finally left her alone. Sakura turned a corner into a back alley, feeling the cold night chill on her bare legs and shoulders. I'm indentured to Villains now.

She stopped in the alleyway, staring at her reflection in a tin trash can. This is what I've become. Sakura hit the trash can, kicking the lid in the air and flinging it into the alley corner with a yell.

"Fighting trashcans now?"

"Can't you take a hint?" She said through her teeth, her chest heaving.

"A hint? What's that?" he said, his wings retracting. His blonde hair moved gently in the breeze. His expression wasn't quite as relaxed, it had concern. "I can get you out of this deal."

Sakura scoffed, exhaling with a moan. She threw back her head. "You think you can just swoop in and fix everything?"

"No, but I can—"

Sakura watched him stammer. "You don't know a damn thing."

She crossed her arms, staring at him. The violet hues in her red hair cast a shadow over her face. Her dramatic eye makeup looked more intense in the street lamp light.

"I can't break my oath. They'll send the hounds and I'll be dragged to hell," she said, sighing. "You can't sell your soul to the devil and then change your mind. That reminds me—"

Her lips quirked upwards. "You're a villain?"

"It's complicated," he said quickly. Sakura watched him think. That was the first time she had ever seen him quiet. "If I tell you something, you have to keep it a secret."

"Fuck secrets," Sakura spat. "Keep it, I don't want it."

She started walking away again, more quickly this time. When she thought she was in the clear, she saw him clear the corner. Sakura rolled her eyes.

"God, Tweety-bird. Do I have to put a bullet in your forehead for you to get it?"

"Maybe," he said and bit back his words before speaking. "I'm not a villain."

"Oh, gee. A double agent? Because that always ends well. Rest assured I won't mourn for you," Sakura spat on the sidewalk.

"Sakura, just listen. There's bad shit going on and— damn it, I thought bringing you in would get in their good graces."

There was a silence. She took out a cigarette, lighting it and watching it burn between her fingers. Then, she dropped it, stamping it out. He stared at her. Sakura could tell he had no idea what was going on. Good.

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