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creds to lo-v-ers on tumblr

the losers club as things i saw, heard, or said in the past week, part two

ben: i thought everyone in this town was poor

richie: no, we all have crippling depression but some of us have jobs


mike: i'm a supportive friend

stan: you said you would murder me if i didn't study for my test

mike: ...aggressively supportive


beverly: i'm not saying i'm a god

beverly: i'm saying i'm a goddess


bill: you ate an egg

richie: yes

bill: was it a cooked egg

richie: no

bill: was it out of the shell

richie: no

bill: how are you a living human being


eddie, in tears: i forgot my bagel


ben: did you know-

richie: probably not


stan: so i was in algebra, right?

stan: and my teacher told us about imaginary numbers

stan: and if school is allowed to make us do math with FAKE NUMBERS

stan: then i should be allowed to murder them


richie: hello my fellow heteros

eddie, holding his hand: stop doing that


stan, at the school store: can i have two cookies and a reason to live


ben: my mom asked me if i had any missing work and i panicked and said pretzel

ben: so now i'm grounded


eddie, going through his backpack: i have three textbooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, erasers, extra paper, flash cards, my phone charger, and money for lunch

richie: i have a tub of chocolate frosting and a spoon


bill: did you study for the test

mike: i was going to

mike: but then i found a compilation of dog vines so i never got around to it


eddie: do you need a hug

beverly, wearing high heels with her sweatpants: don't fucking talk to me

i'm kinda screeching

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