Chapter 5

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Felix stood staring at the vast cavern that he had entered into. Never would he have imagined that this would be under his uncle's house. Looking ahead in the dimmed light he could make out the figure of Gabriel standing near a lit box of some kind. Taking cover in the shadows, Felix stealthily made his way closer.

"I miss you everyday." Felix stopped. Who was he talking to?

"I have tried for years to to bring you back to us, but I don't know what to do anymore. Adrien will be an adult soon, and I will be alone. Ladybug and Cat Noir are no longer the children they were, they are stronger than ever." Gabriel put his hand on the box. Felix chanced standing up and had to smother a gasp at the sight of his Aunt Emilie within the glass case. Felix stilled and held his breath when Gabriel suddenly lifted his head up. To his relief, his Uncle walked in the other direction. Felix saw Gabriel was being followed by a small purple thing floating in the air.

"Master please, you know the Miraculous was not intended to be used this way. It's been three years, it's time to let go."

"I didn't ask for your opinion." Gabriel's tone was flat as though he'd had this conversation before. "Nooroo, Dark Wings Rise." Felix watched on as Gabriel was engulfed in purple. When the cloud subsided, Gabriel Agreste was gone and in his place was Hawk Moth. A large window opened up as dozens of white butterflies swirled around. "Ah, a quarrel between siblings, perfect prey for my akuma." Felix quickly moved behind where his Aunt Emilie was laying. Gabriel cupped his hands around a white butterfly which quickly became infused with a black charge. "Flyaway my little akuma and evilise this broken soul."

Felix slunk back behind the glass box (coffin? Sarcophagus? What was this?). He'd had suspicions about his Uncle being Hawk Moth before. His mother had told him a story about Aunt Emilie finding magical jewellery while on a trip to Tibet. His mother never really believe it and thought it was just some wild tale her sister had made up. She disappeared not long after that. Now to his surprise, he had confirmed his own suspicions.

"Equaliser, I am am Hawk Moth. You feel that because you are younger and smaller you are at a disadvantage, well I'm going to give you the power to bring others down to your level. All I ask in return is that you bring be Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous."

Felix looked back over towards Hawk Moth, a glowing mask in front of his face as he talked. Felix remembered from his encounter with The Punisher Trio this was how he communicated. The young man now found himself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should he intervene in some way? It's not really his concern, after all he doesn't even live here in Paris. The only reason Felix agreed to even come on this visit was to find out where the other twin ring was. He wasn't even sure Gabriel would have it since Emilie was suppose to be missing. Now he has some answers, but also more questions and he needed to figure out the best way to use this new piece of information.

"Ah, no! Damn you Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Felix peaked back over the glass case. Clearly whatever Gabriel had planned had failed once again. Gabriel Agreste might be one of the worlds greatest fashion designers, but Felix was quickly realising he was also the world's most useless villain. He was about to make a getaway when he heard the sound of heels clacking on the floor. He maneuvered himself more behind the casket out of sight, but just enough to see.

"Gabriel what in hell's name was that about?" Nathalie approached the villain with a look that had Felix cowering and it wasn't even aimed at him.

"Nooroo, Dark Wings Fall." A flash of purple and Gabriel Agreste again stood in the centre of the vast room. "I thought I had a good opportunity Nathalie, I had to..."

"What Gabriel? Had to what? Try and get the Miraculous again? I have investors on the phone wanting to talk to Gabriel Agreste and here you are akumatizing children and for what?" Gabriel winced at Nathalie's raised voice. He had rarely seen her this riled up before.

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