Chapter 11

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"You know, I always thought that it was just Adrien that was unfairly good looking, but Felix dude, you give him a run for his money. How are we mere mortals supposed to compete?" The two cousins laughed at Nino's dismay as they redied themselves for the Gala.

Since the girls were spending the day together, Adrien invited Nino over to hang out and have a 'bro' day with him and Felix. Despite Felix's reservations, he and Nino actually hit it off quite well. Adrien was pleased with himself. He felt he was finally starting to break down some of these barriers that Felix had. Underneath that aloof exterior was a guy who really just wanted a friend. In many ways, Adrien could see a lot of himself in Felix before he went to school and made friends.

Nino was laying across the bed, eating a plate of poffertjes Adrien had sent up for him as a snack while him and Felix got ready. Nino was planning a night out with Alya before going to watch the midnight fireworks at the Eiffel Tower.

"You've already got Alya, so what are you complaining about." Adrien teased. 'Buddy watch the syrup dripping off those. I don't want ants getting into my bed." Nino looked around the sheets.

"Dude, you can't talk. This whole bed is full of cheese crumbs everywhere. What did you guys do last night, have a cheese party or something?" Adrien and Felix shared a look before giggling. Adrien really hoped that now everything with Hawk Moth was over he could finally introduce his best friend to the cheese obsessed Plagg and tell him about his superhero life. For now though he at least had Felix and Marinette to share it with. In the meantime, maybe he should consider getting Plagg his own bed.

"Here Felix, put this yellow handkerchief in your top pocket so that you match with Chloe." Felix let Adrien fuss with his pocket, although he wasn't sure why Adrien cared so much about him matching with Chloe's dress.

"Yellow? How do you know she'll be in yellow?" Felix asked, Nino laughed.

"It's her signature colour my dude. No one has ever seen Chloe at anything where she wasn't in yellow. I'm so sorry for you man, but if your lucky you shouldn't be stuck with her all night." Adrien shot Nino a glare as Felix started to look worried.

"She's not going to ditch me through the night is she." He asked before schooling his expression and folding his arms. "I mean...not that I care but..."

"No no no. She would never do that." Adrien reassures. "Besides, when Marinette rant earlier she said she planted lots of nice things to Chloe about you today like about how brave you were and how you looked after her during that akuma attack." Adrien winked at him, seeing just the faintest tint of pink on his cheeks. Nino suddenly sat up.

"Wait a like Chloe as in like like?" Felix gaped for a moment wide eyed before folding his arms with a small huff.

"What, no, not at all, I mean...well yeah of course I like her I've known her forever, but not like her as in that kind of like her...she's... she's just a friend." Nino facepalmed.

"Aw man, I've heard that before." He groaned before looking at Adrien holding his hands together pleadingly. "Please dude, don't be like me and painfully watch this for the next three years. I don't think I could go through it again." Adrien slapped a hand on Felix's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I've got this one all under control." Felix eyed his cousin suspiciously before breaking into a soft smile. Maybe there were worse things than having a Chloe Bourgeois in your life.

There was a knock on the door as Gabriel entered into the room. "I'm not interrupting anything am I."

"Of course not Father, we're ready." Gabriel admired the two young men as they stood in their finest. Nino stood up, straightening his hat as he started making his way to the door.

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