Chapter 7

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When Adrien, Marinette and Felix arrived at the hotel they were met in the foyer by Chloe. True to her word, Chloe greeted Marinette and was speaking to her in a civil, almost friendly manner. Adrien appreciated her efforts to put differences aside and gave her a warm hug. Even Felix had managed to relax more and his cousin took that as a good sign that perhaps he had finally accepted that they had forgiven him for his past mistakes. After all, Chloe had made quite a few whoppers herself, but Adrien never held it against her.

With tickets in hand, Chloe led the trio to the ballroom which had been set up to run four tournaments simultaneously, with an exhibition area on the stage. Felix was immediately drawn to the weapons display, leaving the others to get a closer look. Marinette squirmed at some of the battles going on in the tournaments. She might have her fair share of combat as Ladybug, but her and Adrien were well protected in their suits, this on the other hand just seemed brutal. She flinched when one contender fell heavenly and groaned nearby. Adrien put an arm around her with an apologetic smile before looking back at Chloe.

"Thanks again Chlo for the tickets. I know how much Felix likes this kind of stuff." Chloe waved him off.

"Don't even mention it. It's not my thing, that's for sure. I'll be up in my suite if you need me." A few sudden flashes of light revealed that some photographers had discovered Adrien was at the event. He smiled politely for them and satisfied with their pictures, the paparazzi moved on. Nadja Schumak was also there with a Cameraman setting up for a live cross. Chloe just shook her head at them. Her and Adrien were used to it of course, but she had to wonder how Marinette managed. Chloe couldn't have imagined that Marinette already had experience with reporters as Ladybug. The socialite went to leave before stopping. "Oh, Marinette. I...ah.." Marinette looked at her, a sweet smile on her face.

"Yes, Chloe?" Chloe fidgeted for a moment, looking at Adrien before looking back at Marinette. She then straightened up, flicking her hair with an air of confidence.

"If the testosterone in the room gets too much for you Marinette, your welcome to come up to my suite. Sabrina will be coming soon to do my nails, she could probably do yours too if you'd like." Marinette reached a hand out to Chloe's shoulder.

"I'd like that Chloe, thank you." The blonde girl nodded and left them to it. Adrien and Marinette shared a smile before walking over to where Felix was.

"This is great." Felix exclaimed looking in the glass cabinet. "Look at these ancient Bokkens and nunchakus."

"Do you know how to use them?" Adrien asked.

"Kind of, I only started on weapons last year, but my instructor said I had a natural talent for it."

"Ladies and Gentlemen." A voice from the stage announced. "If you care to come around the centre stage, we will have an exhibition from some of our most talented senior competitors."

Felix, Adrien and Marinette made their way through the crowd toward the front of the staging area. Adrien slid his arm around Marinette's shoulders. "Princess if you don't want to stay, you can go join Chloe and Sabrina." Marinette shook her head.

"Actually I'm kind of interested to see what they are going to do. I'll go see Chloe after this bit."

The announcer crossed the stage followed by two Japanese men. "I know him." Felix pointed to the older of the two men. "I saw him do a demonstration last year in Hyde Park, I think his name is Murakami. He was amazing to watch, this should be a piece of cake for him."

The two contenders on stage bowed to the crowd before each accepting a bokken and bowing to each other. "Please welcome 7 time Bokken champion, Murakami and star graduate student of the Shimano Academy, Takagi." The crowd excitedly cheered. Marinette realised that this Murakami was quite the celebrity in Martial Arts circles. No wonder their were photographers here.

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