Chapter 9

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"I told you Nathalie, I didn't know they were there." Gabriel was being defensive, but there was a pleading in his voice too.

"That's the point though, isn't it? You never know what's going on anymore. I'm sick and tired of picking up your broken pieces Gabriel. You could have lost Adrien today." She was trying to keep the tears at bay, but her voice was shaking as the words came out. "You're losing control of these akumas, but you just don't know when to quit do you?"

"But the Ladybug cure fixes everything. Adrien would never be permanently hurt." Nathalie's mouth flew open with a look of disgust on her face.

"Are you even listening to yourself Gabriel? If you take Ladybugs earrings then there is no cure." She slammed her hand on the desk causing Gabriel to jump in his seat. "My sentimonster put Adrien in danger and that was enough for me to walk away, but you...your Akuma caused a physical injury and you make excuses."

There was a moment of silence. Gabriel knew he had come to a crossroads and this was the time to make a decision, but he didn't know how to make it. On the one hand there was Emilie, but three years of akumas and Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous were more out of reach than ever. He was losing control, not just of the akumas, but of the company and even his son. This brought him to point two, Adrien and Marinette. All he said was that he wanted to bring Adrien's mother back so they could be happy again, but what if it was too late for that. Adrien had found someone else to fill the void his mother had left in his heart. Was it possible for Gabriel Agreste to do the same?

"I hear what you're saying Nathalie, but I..."

"No Gabriel!" She snapped at him. "There are no more excuses you can give, not anymore. Destroy yourself if you want, but I won't let you drag Adrien down with you, I'll..." Nathalie was interrupted by the opening of the office door and the surprise entry of Felix into the room.

"What are you doing here Felix?" Gabriel snapped at him. "This is a private conversation and..."

"Well if it's so private, then perhaps you should keep your voices down, unless you want Adrien to overhear what you are saying." Felix's heart was racing at a dozen miles an hour, but he was keeping his exterior calm and aloof.

"What would you know about it?" Gabriel narrowed his eyes at his nephew, trying to gauge where this was going.

"More than you think Uncle Gabriel, or should I call you Uncle Hawk Moth." There was a curl in Felix's lips as he saw the panic flash across Gabriel's face. The elder Agreste shot a look over at Nathalie, who was taken aback by the revelation, but not entirely surprised.

"It was only a matter of time before someone found out Gabriel." She offered quietly, a fact that did not make Gabriel feel any better about it. Although Adrien finding out would have been significantly worse. He started playing nervously with the ring on his finger

"Alright Felix, you have my attention. What is that you want?"

Felix walked towards Gabriel's desk, taking the seat facing him. Crossing his legs he folded his fingers in front of him keeping a steady gaze at his Uncle. Gabriel shifted in his seat, but his eyes never moved from his nephews.

"Well there are two ways this could go." The younger man began. "Option one we could all take a trip to the police station and explain everything there..."

"You wouldn't!" Gabriel stood up leaning across the desk. "You would destroy everything. The company, the family would leave Adrien with nothing." Felix showed no emotion at Gabriel's outburst, instead focusing his attention on papers strewn across Gabriel's desk.

"Judging by those figures, you seem to be going a good job of destroying the company yourself. Am I right Nathalie?" He looked over at the assistant who averted her eyes away. "I thought so."

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