a bone, but alive

969 23 16

'They must have been waiting for us here,' Osamu said looking at another empty room in the building.

'And what? Our work here is finished, what do you want to do else?' Chuuya was annoyed. Not only did Dazai's jokes make it harder for them to find the slaver, but his partner still didn't want to go home.

'Something interesting,' Dazai smiled slyly. 'Check the basement, I'll check the 2nd floor.'

'Dazai! Don't you dare order me around!'

'But you'll still do as I say, don't you?' Dazai's smile seemed to widen with each word.

'Count the minutes until we report to the boss, you, stupid waste of bandages. These are your last moments,' Chuuya clenched his fists in rage. At any moment, he would have been more than happy to smear this smug little fella on the nearest wall.

'Okay~!' Dazai walked gaily up the stairs. 'Looking forward to it!'

Chuuya headed for the basement, ostentatiously showing his displeasure with loud stamping. His partner had nearly died three times during today's mission, but he wasn't going to do anything about it. This gave Chuuya a lot of problems, which made him pretty exhausted. It looked like Dazai wanted to bring Chuuya to absolute exhaustion, so that he could simply be shot. Or maybe it's much simpler — he came up with a new method of suicide.

There are many options, the reason is the same — their hatred of each other can not be measured in any measure of length, height or mass. Their hatred increases exponentially every day. Thinking about this, Chuuya explored every room in the basement.

«If the victims were held here, it's unlikely that anyone survived.»

Damp, dark and cold rooms without any traces of the former existence of furniture. The only things that could sometimes decorate empty rooms were dead rats and spiders that stuck to the walls on their own webs. A terrible and disgusting sight.

Chuuya suddenly tensed opening another door. This room was no different from the others, but there was something wrong with it. The smell. At first, Chuuya thought of leaving this room to explore it with Dazai, but his words about "something interesting" weighed on him as if Osamu was using his own gravity ability in his head. What if there really is something interesting? What if he finds it first? This is the most ideal opportunity to influence his opponent.

So, he came in. Nakahara clearly lacked deduction, because he really did not notice anything unusual in the room. The walls were like normal walls, the floor was like a normal floor. He turned, squatted, jumped, crawled, sniffed, but still nothing.

«Tsch, damn Dazai would have known what was going on in the first few seconds.»

He stood up and suddenly noticed another interesting detail in this room. No rats, no spiders, no webs. Chuya went around all the places where such disgusting animals usually lay. One corner caught his attention. The stonework of the wall looked different from the rest of the room. He ran his hand over the strangest part of it and...

'DAMN!' Chuuya screamed as the stones began to pour out of the wall. 'What the...'

'You didn't even notice that the next room is narrower than the others because of the thickness of the wall, bakahara?' That annoying voice from behind cut into Chuuya's ears like a knife.

'Shut the fuck up, Dazai!' Nakahara slammed his fist against the wall in a rage, and all the loose masonry began to crumble.

'My, my. You can just destroy everything that's hidden there,' Dazai muttered with mock chagrin.

Chuuya raked the fallen stones, throwing some of them at the intrusive partner and shouting various curses at him. Dazai deftly dodged until at one moment...

'Look,' Osamu's eyes twinkled.

Chuuya turned around and froze in surprise. There was a vastly long stone chest. Using the ability, Nakahara took out this strange thing and set it in the middle of the room.

'So, so~. Let's see what is there,' Dazai reached out a bandaged hand for the unexpected find, but Chuuya slapped him sharply on the wrist.

'Oi! Hold it right there, damn Dazai! For your information, I was the first person to find this room, and I took out the chest and I have to open it!'

'Oya, oya~,' Osamu held up his hands like a criminal who has just been caught in the act. 'Do as you wish.'

Dazai's smug grin strained Nakahara, but he still kicked the lid of the chest with a quick movement of his foot, and it flew off into the corner of the room. Their expressions dulled when they had seen a fascinating but bony girl with a lot of bruises and scars. She looked about the same age as them. Her (h/c) long hair was disheveled and clipped off at various angles. She was beautiful, unconscious and... naked.

'WHOA~!' Chuuya shouted with a perplexed scream.

'Wow~! What a surprise, isn't it?' It seemed as if the bandaged guy could barely contain himself so as not to burst out laughing.

'Did y-you kn-now ab-bout that... this... HER?!' Anger, embarrassment, and bewilderment were intertwined within the young mobster.

'Absolutely not. But I thought it might happen. By the way, why are you yelling like a little scared girl? You're a 17-year-old guy and you've never seen a naked female body? I'm sorry for you.' Dazai spread his arms, grinning and looking Chuuya straight in the face.

'You bastard...' Chuuya had just raised his hand to strike the pretty face when Dazay turned away and said:

'Oh, good morning, sleeping beauty!'

The girl, still lying in the chest, stared with glassy (e/c) eyes at the quarreling Mafiosi.

'Have you ever been told that your eyes are indescribably beautiful?' Dazai smirked with a sweet childish smile.

But there was only silence and a steady, emotionless stare instead of an answer.

'Oi,' Chuuya began. 'Can you speak? Do you understand us?'

The girl silently nodded.

'Good, what's your name?'

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