the sadness of my life (part 2)

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'Go back, I'll come and help you.'

Obediently, she reached out and took his clothes. Then the two of them went down the steps to the shower room.

'But keep in mind, this is the first and last time. From now on, you'll do everything yourself,' Chuuya scolded her in a discontented, commanding tone.

When they had gone into the shower room, (Y/N) carefully put issued clothes on the lid of the toilet. Her old clothes, which Dazai had kindly bought, were still lying carelessly on the floor.
Nakahara rolled up his sleeves and adjusted the water temperature. He tried not to look at the girl's body, and generally kept his eyes only on her face.

'Go,' He ordered. (Y/N) went inside the shower. 'I won't touch your body. So here, hold this,' The guy handed her a black bottle labeled "Shower gel". 'Squeeze a little of this gel on the palm of your hand and smear it on your body. Then you'll wash it off under running water,' He picked up a blue bottle labeled "Shampoo". 'It's for your hair. At least for now. Then I'll buy you a woman's shampoo,' He squeezed some of the contents onto his hand and gently stroked the top of her head. Then he added a second hand and began slowly massaging the roots of her hair. He also ran his fingers through the strands, carefully separating one from the other so as not to tangle her hair. Much to his surprise, the cleaner her hair was, the softer it became. Her real hair structure was not as rigid as it had originally seemed.

«If only someone knew what mafia members really do in the nights...»

When (Y/N)'s hair was finally soaped, Chuuya carefully placed her strands under the water stream one by one. So, in the end, they won over the incredibly complex process of washing. The Mafioso handed her a towel and mumbled wearily, 'Dry yourself with this. Put that...'  He pointed to the clothes folded on the toilet lid. '...on. And bring that...' Then he pointed to the clothes on the floor. '...with you.' And after these words the guy has left.

The girl silently did as he said. When she had put on all that he had given her, (Y/N) turned toward the mirror. Now she was wearing a wide (F/C) t-shirt and equally wide (F/C) shorts. Her wet hair looked much neater than it had when she'd tried to wash it on her own. Her cheeks were faintly pink from the hot water and steam. Her eyes gradually returned to their natural color because Chuuya tried to wash her hair so that the shampoo no longer fell on her face. The skin was no longer gray and rough, but it had a slightly livelier shade of pale. At last she looked more like a girl than a lifeless doll.

The warm shower seemed to change everything. The hot water started processes in her body that she had long forgotten about. (Y/N) was acutely aware of the pain of every bruise, and the fierce weariness of the unaccustomed journey, and the tingling of every fresh scratch. The combination of these terrible sensations almost paralyzed her body. Her pupils widened in horror, the legs gave way under her, and she suddenly collapsed on the sink. The girl barely managed to grab the edges of it with her last strength.

The crash from the fall came to the guy and he immediately ran to help.

'Can't I leave you in this damned room for a minute?' Chuuya swore and carefully lifted the heavy body onto his shoulders.

'G-gomen...' And this was the last word before (Y/N) finally lost consciousness.

The guy dragged the barely alive body up to his room. He glanced at the watch on the corridor's wall and muttered another curse under his breath.


«Am I not going to sleep at all tonight?!»

When Chuuya has gone into the bedroom, he slowly laid the girl on the bed. Then he opened the drawer of the bedside table and the smell of various medicines immediately spread throughout the room. He quickly felt around and pulled out a half-squeezed tube of ointment and a couple of bandages. Usually he never used even half the contents of the box. These bandages were laid out for a rainy day and also it was carefully hidden from the one who would never miss an opportunity to use it. Nakahara sat down on the edge of the bed and began gently massaging the ointment on each bruise that stood out. (Y/N)'s baby face twitched slightly in pain as she slept.

'Hold it a little longer...' He whispered. The helpless sight of the sleeping girl made him feel sorry for her, deep in his black, cruel soul.

He sat smearing every mark of her terrible past, bandaging the most frightening-looking ones. Every time he began to treat a new bruise or scratch he suddenly felt inexplicably heavy inside. He knew that he would never be able to feel the pain of her past, but he still considered that he should ask about it.
This girl was devoid of emotion. She didn't know neither happiness nor joy. Did not know how (or forgot how?) to cry. Her body knew only unbearable pain, which had become part of her life over time. But she didn't deserve to be treated like this. And also they just left her to die. How did she get there? What was happening to her? All these thoughts tormented him as he tried to ease her suffering a little. He did not have time to notice how she became the main topic of all his thoughts.

'Actually, I was going to make a bed for you on the floor in your new room...' Chuuya whispered as he closed the lid of the tube of healing ointment. He got up, put all the healing things back in their place, went quietly to the closet and opened a drawer with bed linen.

When he was about to leave the room with a blanket and pillow in his hands, he decided to take another look at the sleeping lady. She took the form of a small crumpled hedgehog. This girl was just as clenched there, in the cold stone chest. A shiver ran down Chuuya's spine at the memory of her sight at that moment.
Then he carefully closed the door which still creaked terribly and in his head flashed the thought that it would be necessary to finally lubricate it.

'Good night, lucky girl.'

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