Chapter 9 : Locusts in the Feild

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"~Resting grounds~"
"~enter mind~"

Those words swarmed Hollow's head, like a swarm of locusts attacking a field of crops, "HEY HOLLOW FOCUS!" Dryya said as she spared with Hollow, Hollow snapped from his thoughts and focused on training, yet his 'field' was attacked by those 'Locusts' again, then before Hollow could realize it Hollow was on the floor of the arena with Dryya's nail pointed at his neck, and his nail knocked off to the side of the arena "you dosed of there Hollow, FOCUS!" she scold him while reaching her hand to help Hollow up, "sorry about that" Hollow said to Dryya as they walk to the side of the arena "still thinking about her?" Dryya said "no, this is...different" he said as he looked at the mysterious nail, hidden under his cloak, "what is it love?" she said while staring at Hollow "no, it's nothing to worry...about" he said "well, whatever it is, I hope you can get it off your mind" she said Hollow kissed her cheek, "so, best...two out of three?" Hollow asked to spar again "sure".

After a whole day of sparing Hollow went home to have dinner with his mother, with his mind filled with the whispers of the mysterious nail, he couldn't focus on what he was doing, he was just too distracted by those whispers, his 'field' was swarming with those 'locusts', he was too distracted to even touch the food during dinner, Root noticed it and asked "are you okay Hollow?" he didn't reply since he was still dozed off "Hello?" she said as Hollow snapped out "son, are you alright?" Root said with a little worriness in her tone, "are you alright? You haven't touch you're food in a while" she said, "i-i'm fine mom, don't worry about it" he answered as he grabbed the goblet of water next to his food, then he grabbed the knife and fork, and cut his boofly steak and ate it, but he didn't ask for more salt or seasoning, "alright dear" she said as she began to worry why Hollow didn't ask for more seasoning or salt, but then she was cut off with Ghost stabbing his food over and over, possibly because he doesn't know how to use this type of knife, usually the food they ate used only a spoon, "oh dear" she said as she took the knife from the Ghost and cut the food for him "there you are Ghost, now enjoy your dinner little one" she said as Ghost grabbed his fork, bit then he used it to stab the pieces of the food she cut, root sighed and face palmed as she takes the fork and hand fed the Ghost, Hollow seeing this makes him a bit...jealous, that jealousy stopped the 'locusts' attacking his 'field', as when he grew up he had never been treated like that, not from his mother, and not from...him, but Hollow decided to not let his jealousy took over and just stayed quiet while eating his dinner.

Hollow went to his bedroom, he took out the dream nail that was hidden inside his cloak, he can hear the whispers intensifying inside his head, he was lost in his thoughts, as the 'locusts's' attack to the 'field' was even harsher, then he heard a knock on his door and a turn on the door handle of Hollow's room, Hollow quickly hid the mysterious nail inside his cloak, Ghost came into Hollow's room, "what doing here ghost?" he said as Ghost stayed silent "oh right, I forgot you...can't talk" Hollow said, as Ghost looked at a faint light coming from inside of Hollow's cloak, "what are you...looking at?" Hollow said as he tried to cover up the light, Ghost approached Hollow's and reached for the light coming from inside Hollow's cloak, he pulled out the faint light, the mysterious nail, "Ghost give...that back, please" he said while reaching out his hand to Ghost, Ghost held the nail for a while, before putting the nail on Hollow's reached out hand, "Ghost you...shouldn't take other...people's stuff without permission" Hollow said as he put the nail in his closet, Ghost nods and hugs Hollow "it's okay, just don' it again" he said as he kneels and hugs Ghost.

Hollow let go of Ghost and he walked out of the room, hollow goes to his closet of nails and took the mysterious nail, he held it and listened to the whispers carefully, then he heard something about the resting grounds, "hmm, resting grounds? maybe i should go there, maybe this nail wants me to go to the resting grounds, no no that's just nonsense, it's just a nail, a very strange one, but still just a nail" Hollow thought to himself, "just a nail" he thought to himself before putting the nail back in his closet of nails, but as soon as he closed the closet those whispers became screams, from the once soft gentle voice of the whispers became harsh and beastial like screams, as if those 'locusts' started to chirp violently while ravaging the 'field', Hollow tried to sleep but with those screams in his head, he wasn't able to.

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