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We interupted this book series with not just one but two special announcements,

1. my book has reached 1k viewers, i can't believe it guys, i'm so very thankful for everyone who reads and enjoys my book, thank you so much for your support, and special thanks for AlexAkumu707, Sm0l_King and Not_Mia for helping me with this story, through out these months of writing it was really really fun, it all started when i read "a heart in his pale chest" the prequel to this book, created by Debby_Gatta_TheBeast her work was really really good and i even shed a tear at one part, and it was just an emotional rollercoaster, but the ending was really, unsatisfying and so incomplete, so i decided to write a sequel to her amazing work, she's not just good at writing, she's really good at art, her HK fanarts are really good and they are just really worth your time, my favorite is PK and his two brothers and a picture of Hollow and his siblings, Thank you so much everyone and i really hope i can make a good ending for this book

Ps : this sequel wasn't suppose to last, it was actually suppose to compose of only 5 chapters, but then i realized that there is more to it and it ended up being a full series, so phew missed a shot there

2 hollow knight, has reached it's 3rd anniversary of creation, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLOW KNIGHT!!!!! Wow time does really move fast when you're having fun, i can't believe it's already 3 years old, feels like it was only yesterday that team cherry created Hollow Knight from Hungry Knight, ahhh good memories

Well guys thank you for everything, and I'll try to publish more chapters faster, bye bye!

With love, ❤️, ThePurePrince

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