Chapter 5 - No

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1 week Later.............

Lani Pierce

"Again !" Uncle Timothy yelled when he noticed I wasn't fighting to the best of my abilities. He swung a left jab at me and I was too slow to block it. He stopped when his fist touched my cheek.

"Fire, what's going on ? You're usually quick when it comes to blocking my advances." He looked down at me.

"Nothing let's fight again." I said angrily. Fighting was what I used to get rid of my built up frustrations.  With everything going on in my life right now, the littlest of things pissed me off.

"You can't fight too well when you're head isn't clear. You become too distracted to notice when I do this," He quickly placed his left leg behind foot and pushed me to the ground. I was flat on my back staring into my uncle's face.

"I don't wanna talk about." I snapped stubbornly.

"Fine. No training until you overcome what's bothering you."

I knew he was right. Me fighting in a frustrated and confused state would be pointless. My training grounds were up in the mountains. People thought I was weak, they've never seen me fight to the best of my abilities. My uncle didn't want to risk me getting too angry and shifting into my wolf form.

It's been a while since I let Allison lose.

"Uncle Tim is it safe for me to go for a run around here ?" I asked through our mindlink.

No, he shook his head in response. I sighed heavily, thought so.

"Let's go." He gave me a small smile and I nodded.

While we walked to my uncle's blue honda, another car pulled up and out came three men.

"Hunters." Allison whispered.

Calm down Ally it's ok.

"Don't do anything stupid." Uncle Timothy warned.

"I know. I'm not that stupid, Jeez."

"Sometimes it's hard to tell." He shot back with a slight smirk.

We walked passed them and gave a short wave. As we were about to get in the car one of them spoke.

"What are you two doing out here ?" He asked walking closer. He had a golden front tooth. The other two guys looked a little rough around the edges. One was about 5'7 with short blonde hair, blue eyes and a medium build. The other was around 6'1, had jet black hair, brown eyes and a large build. They didn't have any specific smell so I knew they were humans.

"Jogging," my uncle replied shortly.

"You two haven't seen any Angel Wolves around here, have you ?" The with the gold tooth asked. For some reason, he eyed me while asking.

"No." Uncle Tim replied curtly.

"I'm not talking to you, i'm talking to her," He said with a nod towards me, "You're cute, what's your name ?" 

"Out yo League," I grumbled.

"What you say ?" He asked stepping forward.

"Watch it. That's my niece."

"So if you're a werewolf, you might be an Angel Wolf, right ?" He asked with a smirk. I bit my tongue to stop me from snapping. Just then the blonde guy's walkie talkie went off.

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