Prologue- 5:45 am

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Lori woke me up by smashing two pans together in my ear. Once I had thrown my pillow in a panic, she lowered them and smiled angelically.
"Rise and rise, sweet Eleanor." Her 60 year old face seemed younger than mine as she strutted out of my bedroom.
I groaned a complaint as best as I could. "Grandma! It's 5:45!What the-"

She cut me off by sticking her head through the doorway. "Oh, don't call me Grandma. It ages you. And it's 5:45 because of-"she paused impishly"MARCHING BAND!"
I silently cried as my 60 year old Lori did a perfect jazz step down the hallway and to the kitchen. If the first day of school was an indication, it would be a very. long. season.

I couldn't wait until November when all this stupid marching stuff would be behind me.

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