A Past Life

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The Salvatores kept insisting the Mikaelsons were dangerous. But when you spotted the older one. There was something. You couldn't explain it. He seemed to hesitate as he locked eyes with you. It was like knowing someone you'd never seen before. Like something you couldn't find the words to explain.

You wanted him to come after you, to go to him. The brothers were worried when you tried to explain it to them and Elena accused them of hiding some sort of Doppelganger in your blood line. She'd demanded the group research it, while you went home to hide away.

A soft knock at your door roused you from your thoughts. Frowning you glanced across your bedroom at the clock. No one should be coming round this late. With a cautious hesitation you got of your bed and crept down the stairs. Opening the door a crack you peeked out. As soon as you saw him your eyes widened and you gasped softly.

"Forgive me. I just... I had to see if it was you." He said softly. He didn't seem dangerous. If anything the vampire before you, smartly dressed in a fresh pressed suit and softly speaking seemed endearing.

"I... Um you're Elijah Mikaelson." You said quickly. You wanted the rightful sense of nerve and panic to slither up your spin and give you enough common sense to slam the door shut.

"Yes. I imagine you would have heard of me." He said awkwardly. There was a light chuckle in his voice that didn't seem predatory in the slightest.

"Before today? Or from Stefan and Damon?" You said unsure. His eyes widened and his body moved in a way that you'd surprised him. As if he'd experienced the same call and had come against better judgment to find you.

"Perhaps." He said as if he wasn't willing to give up that information. The next thing you knew he was gone, Bonnie was running up the driveway waving a grimoire in her hand while Elena and Caroline lugged towards you with big boxes of ingredients.

"We know what it is!" Bonnie said cheerfully. Stefan and Damon were sitting in your living room when you turned to invite the group in and you could have sworn Damon was smirking at having made you jump.

"Well what is it?" You asked her as she settled on the floor of the room. Elena and Caroline dumped the boxes down, getting out of Bonnie's way.

"You're not a doppelganger per say. More like you lived a past life and there was a bit of you left over that passed down through your blood line." She explained.

"Is that supposed to make any sense to me?" You asked and Stefan shook his head while sighing.

"We couldn't understand it either. Just think of it as a doppelganger who has memories or feelings that belong to your past you." Stefan tried to explain.

No one else seemed to understand but once Bonnie was set up she yanked you over with excitement.

"I can't wait to see who you were!" She squealed! No one else seemed to be excited, probably due to the fact that you were mysteriously connected to a Mikaelson. "Ok, lay down and let me do the work."


Your eyes opened slowly. You seemed to be in a small room, dimly lit by a fireplace. Lying in naked in a soft bed with furs tossed over you. Somebody equally naked lay beside you, sleeping. Or so you'd thought until they rolled over. "Elijah?" You asked and he smiled.

"Good morning. You slept well." He smiled when you nodded.

Your fingers brushed out to touch his cheek of their own accord and his eyes fell shut. A noise that rumbled out of him at the tender touch made you squirm. He smiled and in a blur he was above you, kissing you sweetly.

"So I knew you before." You whispered to yourself as he pulled away and kissed down your neck. You jumped when there was a pinch and a warm trickle of blood dribbled down to your collarbone.

You watched with wide eyes as he made a small cut on his own collar bone and moved so the two of you could share blood. He groaned as he drank, one hand stroking against your hair. Your legs wound around his waist as he pulled you closer, thrusting with rough just of his hips as his fangs pulled back and he kissed you.


You gasped as you shot up like a blot. Everyone in the room was staring at you with an odd expression. "What're you guys looking at."

"Well we could hear what you were saying." Elena started to explain gently.

"Thenyou started making all the freaky sex noises and we, got a pretty good idea of how you knew Elijah." Damon summed up for her.

Your eyes widened with a mortified look as you stared off into space, panicking internally. "You heard. Oh my gosh!"

"But at least we know now, how you knew Elijah." Bonnie said, her cheerfulness seemed to have lefter and she seemed to be sharing your humiliation apologetically.

"That just raises more questions than answers." You muttered, hiding your head in your hands. "It also doesn't stop me from wanting to see Elijah again."

"Well I will help past you get over past you's boyfriend, hook up and we'll do that by finding present you a boyfriend." Caroline said firmly.

"I liked it before we knew Stefan. At least then I was certain I wasn't somehow connected to a family of evil vampires." You muttered still in shock.

"She should probably have something to drink, or sit back down. She looks like she might faint." Damon muttered to Elena who took your arm to help you to the kitchen and hopefully help you adjust.

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