Hide the Truth

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Author's POV

he next day, the happy family has their breakfast together again in the dinning room. They are eat happily while talking about how their day went on. The old man asked his daughter where her car is and she told him that SinB took it to her home because yesterday she wasn't feeling well and her friend drove her home. Her answer shocked the elders. "Are you okay, princess? Was it that again?" The man asked again and the sweet girl smiles sweetly to her dad. "I'm fine, Appa! Luckily, it wasn't that. I was only a bit tired. You know, student's life. Like papers, test, and many more that comes and go non-stop. Can I just laying on my bed and be a lazy couch potato all day? It's easier, I think." She said and all of them chuckled. The old man jokingly said that she can do that because he has a lot of money to pay for her and her mom's needs although he was the only one that working. "Tsk! Show off!" The girl snorted and make her parents laughing. The old woman smiles warmly seeing these two people that she loves the most. She is so thankful to have them. Her eyes landed on her beautiful daughter. She thinks that her daughter has grown up well. Much better than what she imagined. She remembers the old days when she saw her daughter was suffering a lot. There's no smile and no laughter, no happiness at all. She almost lost her hope that time. But, seeing her daughter who never gave up about her condition, it made her feel so stupid. She is the one that need to be strong for her daughter, not the opposite. That time she promised to herself that she would be much stronger and she wouldn't give up to help her daughter got through her hard time. "Eomma?" She heard her daughter called her softly and it brings her back to the present. She smiles to her one and only daughter. She can't hide her sadness when looking at her beautiful angel. "Why are you crying, honey?" The only man in the house asked. She looks at him and smiles. "Nothing yeobo. I'm glad that we can still have our breakfast together like this." She said and diverted her eyes to her daughter again who is looking at her worriedly. She smiles while caressing her hair lovingly. You can see and feel how much she loves her daughter with such view and gesture. The girl smiles a little because she knows that she is the reason behind her mom's tears. But she decided to lift up the mood. She can't let the atmosphere be this gloomy early in the morning. "Eomma, Appa, can I go to the amusement park this weekend with the girls?" She asked cheerfully. She always loves going to amusement park. It's been a while since the last time she went there. The last time was with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend used to drag her randomly and it used to end up at amusement park. He knows that the girl loves to be there. He would take her there at least once each month. But, it's almost a year that he never asked her anymore to go there. Sad? Of course. But, she tried so hard for not whining about it to him. The result might be worse and she didn't want it to happen. She is waiting her parents' approval. Her parents are looking at each other. Her mom shook her head but her dad nodded. The girl nervously wait for their decision.

Sowon's POV
I'm waiting for their approval. I really want to go there. It feels like I'm the happiest person in the world when I was there even though I can't ride those scary rides. Jin never brought me there anymore. I even tried asking him to go there again several times, but sadly, he rejected it over and over again. The last time I tried my luck, he was shouting at me and saying that it was so childish and I was being inconsiderate. I cried my heart out that day until I was unconscious on the street and he had to run me to the hospital. After that day, I decided to stop whining about amusement park to him. "Okay honey. You can go there." Appa said and my smile appears immediately. I stand up from my chair and hug him tightly while saying my gratitude. He really know what I want. On the other hand, I can see my mom sighed heavily. She must be worried about me. Don't worry mom, your beautiful daughter won't passed out again. "Let me go, princess. Appa can't breathe!" He said hardly, still in my tight embrace. I laugh a bit before I released the hug. I sit back on my seat. "Thank you Appa, Eomma!" I said excitedly. I can't wait to tell the girls about this plan. "Anyway, Sojung-ah. Will your friend really pick you up? It's almost 7 and no sign of her!" Eomma asked and I check my phone immediately. Geezzz~ this Hwang really wants to make both of us late! *Tiinnn* Suddenly, we heard the sound of horn. "Speak of the devil. She is here." I said and stand up from my chair and walk slowly leaving the dinning room. But, before that, Eomma told me to invite SinB for having breakfast together. That's why I told her to pick me at 7. I know her class starts at 9, meanwhile mine is at 10. It's only my excuse by saying I have early class because I want her to have breakfast with my family. Yerin told me that SinB never had breakfast because she was too lazy to wake up early. "Yaakk what took you so long?" She said as soon as I open the door. Geezzz~ this kid is really noisy in the morning. Lucky you that I'm in a good mood now, or else, I will kill you with my bare hand. "Good morning too, SinB-ah!" I said cheerfully. She frowned. "Wae?" I asked because she froze on her position. "Are you okay? It's weird." She said and mumbled the last sentence. I heard that, Hwang! "Is it wrong to greet you? You are too noisy in the morning, you know?" I said. "Anyway, let's go inside first. My bag is still in my room. Besides, eomma and appa invite you for breakfast." I continue before pulling her body inside my house. "Yaakk! Let go of my hand!" She said while trying to escape from my grip. Sadly, I'm stronger than her. "Can't you shut your mouth for a while? My parents will hear you!" I said sternly and it makes her silent. "Apaa, Eomma, SinB is here!" I shouted before we are arrived in the dinning room. Eomma stands up from her chair before walking closer to us. She welcomed SinB with a tight and warm hug. I smile looking at them. "SinB-ah. How are you? You become prettier than the last time I saw you, sweety." Eomma said after pulling herself away from SinB. "I'm good, eomma. How about you two? You become busier, I think." SinB said and makes Appa chuckled. He is gesturing us to sit down again. I've finished my meal, so I didn't join them. I went upstairs to get my stuffs.

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