Am I too Late? Who is he?

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Author's Note:
As what I've promised you, if this book got at least 75 LIKES, I would update today. And, here you go! I wish, in the future, you won't only give me your comments or likes when I did the challenge like before. It's kinda sad, you know.. Hahahahaha.. Anyway, enjoy the story.. Don't be mad at me because of this part.. See you later!


Author's POV
A young lady is walking slowly to go outside the airport. She has a bright smile on her face because the day that she was waiting for is finally come. She is looking for someone that waiting for her outside the gate. When she found that person, she waved her hand before walking faster. She hugs that person tightly. It's been a while since the last time they met each other. "I miss you, Oppa!" She said while tightening her embrace. "Nado!" That person said while pulling her closer. They didn't see each other for six months only, but they acted like it had been one century. After few minutes hugging each other, they pulled themselves away from each other. They're smiling brightly. "Let's go. You must be tired!" Said the older one before holding the younger's hand and pulling the luggage by his free hand. The girl smiles happily on their way because of his gentle and sweet gestures. They headed to the parking area to find their car. Once they found it, they get inside and drive away. "How's your café, Oppa?" She asked him. "It's fine. It's beyond my expectations! It's amazing!" He said excitedly. They are talking happily along the way to their apartment. An hour later, they arrived at their apartment building. He parked his car at the basement. They get out from the car before heading inside the building. "I'll accompany you to your apartment." He said while helping the girl with her luggage. "No need, Oppa. I can handle it from here." She said politely. "You need to go back to your café, right? Go! I can do it by myself." She continued. "Are you sure?" He asked and she nodded. "Okay if you say so." He said. "If you need anything, just call me, okay?" He said and the girl nodded before smiling. He bid his goodbye before leaving her alone with her luggage. She takes her luggage before walking inside the building. When she arrived in front of her apartment, she takes a long deep breath. It's like her new life will begin as soon as she entered her apartment. She is nervous, yet excited. She opens her apartment door and steps inside the room. She closed the door and started walking. She stopped at her living room and started gazing around the room. Nothing is changed. "Finally, I'm here. I'll live here from now on." He mumbled to herself. She smiles widely. She can't hide her happiness. "Hwaiting! I can do it!" She shouted out loud. She takes her luggage again before heading to her bedroom. She needs to unpack her stuff first. When she is inside, she opens her luggage and takes a pair of comfortable clothes and something else before going the bathroom. She is going to refreshing herself. She took a long shower to relax her body. After she finished, she went out from the bathroom and go to her luggage again. She started unpacking her stuff. It's not much. She has made a plan to go shopping tomorrow which is at weekend, to get some new clothes. After an hour, she finished do everything. Fortunately, she doesn't need to clean up the whole apartment since her worker from her house did it everyday for her since the last time of her visit. It's already 2 PM, but she has done everything. She doesn't know what to do. Her car is still at her house. It will be delivered there tomorrow. She takes her phone from her bag and called her worker at home. "Hello, Oppa. Could you get my car ready and bring it today?" She asked as soon as the person that she is calling right now picked up the call. That person said yes and she ended the call immediately after saying thank you. She get out from her bedroom and head to living room. She turn on the TV and search an interesting movie. "Let's be lazy couch potato today." She said after positioning herself on her favorite couch. When she is busy watching the movie, her phone is ringing. It's a call from her worker. "Ne, Oppa?" She said. "Oh? You've been here? Okay, I'll be there soon. Wait a minute." She said before she ended the call and turned off the TV. She gets up from her couch before running to her bedroom. She takes her sling bag and her long coat before going out again. She went to the front door, opened it, before she went out from her apartment. She locked the door and left. When she saw her worker, she waved her hand and he did the same. She walks quickly to that person. "Thank you, Oppa. Sorry for the sudden request. I'm bored if only stay at apartment until tomorrow." She said and it made him chuckle. "It's okay, Sajangnim." He said and bowed a little before facing her again. It makes the girl gives her best glare immediately to him. He laughs hard because his boss is too cute. She looks more mature and more beautiful, but her cute personality is still there. "Okay.. Okay.. Sorry! Stop that scary glare, kid!" He said as soon as he finished laughing. "I hate you, Oppa!" She said and pouted cutely. "Aigoo~ Look at this girl. I thought she becomes more mature. But, maybe I thought wrong." He said before shaking his head in disbelief to tease the younger. "Oppa!" She shouted and made the man jump on his place. "Tsk! Still scary as ever." He said and pouted. The girl tried so hard not to laugh. "Where are you going, anyway?" He asked the girl. "Honestly, I don't know. I'm only bored. Maybe I'll look around the city. It's been a while to drive here." She said before grinning. "Should I drive for you?" He asked again. "No.. No.. No.. I can handle it by myself." She said quickly. "Are you sure? Aren't you tired after long flight?" He asked worriedly. "I'm fine, Oppa. Believe me, I can drive by myself. I'll call you when I come back to my apartment again later." She said to convince the older. "Fine! Be careful, okay?" He commanded and the girl nodded to answer him. He quickly bid his goodbye because he has something else to do. The girl went to her car and get inside. She looks around her car with her bright smile on her face. She really missed her car. She put her bag on the passenger seat before turn on the engine. She thinks for a while about where she wants to go. After she had decided, she starts to drive away.

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