Chapter 8

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*A/N: Sorry for the delay all - I came down with the flu - again. Hope you Enjoy!*

Eri's POV:

He saw my past! Everything that is dirty and revolting!

I ran. That's all I could think about doing, was to run. Run so far that my past couldn't catch up. But now, I had to run from my papa - the man that gave me a home. I couldn't bare to look at his face. At the risk of seeing something other than the love in my father's eyes. My body began to feel like lead. What was going on? I looked back to see if papa has caught up; but he seemed frozen...he fell to his knees. I stopped – is he...

I didn't want to wait to know the answer; I turned and ran towards papa – hoping that he was still alive. As I ran, I could hear Grandpa calling me – a message relaying throughout my mind.

Eri, you and your papa are in danger! If Shigaraki stays in your subconscious any longer, we might lose him forever! You need to get him out!

Shock rippled through my body. What?! I could lose my papa!? I was almost to him until I felt my arm get yanked behind my head. I fell to the ground with a heavy bang. I winced at how tight the grip was; I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with the greatest horror...Overhaul.

"My my, Eri you haven't changed a bit. You're still small and helpless as always. Look at you – you can barely make it to the only person that gave you a home (insert evil, menacing laugh). What a shame, I thought you'd be stronger by now." His eyes were beating down into my core.

How is he here!? He can't be! This is my mind. Unless...

No One's POV:

Eri was wrong, Overhaul was nowhere to be found on the outside world. It was all in her head. No matter how good her life was after Overhaul left – the scars of his work remained; and over the years – the scars had deepened. And it had manifested itself in her physical body. Her fear; her anguish – every experience suppressed her desires to grow and become something other than a play thing for Overhaul.

Now her fear was standing and staring at her right in the face. His eyes seeping of malicious intent.

"Tell me Eri? Wouldn't you want to be a good girl and come back to me? We've had such 'fun and fond' memories of our time together. Don't you miss it?" Overhaul pulled Eri by her arm; she was dangling in the air – forced to look into the eyes that carved into her very soul.

Even though he was slightly paralyzed; Shigaraki could see the interaction between Eri and what looked to be Overhaul. In all his years of raising Eri; he'd never seen her so small and defenseless. If this was the underlying issues – he needed to be the best father to her right now. His movements made it close to impossible to focus on where he was going. Shigaraki fell to the ground again – he couldn't make it to Eri. Mustering whatever energy he had left in his being – the paler than normal Shigi threw back his head; yelling out his little girl's name!

His voice wasn't strong enough – he had to try it again! Shigi yells again – this time his eyes focused on her tiny form. She was looked like a rag doll – Eri didn't move....

"ERI! Baby, move! You need to fight back! Overhaul can't do anything to you! This is your mind! Baby! Focus!" Shigaraki continued to yell anything and everything he knew to be true about his little girl; hopping that it was enough for her to hear him. Eri slightly moved in her hanging state – she could hear everything her papa was yelling at her – but she couldn't get herself to move. To fight this horrific fear of Overhaul; of her past; of people knowing what her past was...

"Eri! Listen to me! If you don't fight back here, how will you fight All for One?! You said that you wanted to get strong – you wanted to be able to protect your family! You need to do it now! If you don't! You'll lose all of us! Is that what you want!?" Eri's eyes shot open – she didn't think about that. Even though this was her memory – she knew it was only just that. She'd be able to get out of this place and return home to her family. Her fathers; her big brother. She didn't want to lose any of them – she'd rather die fighting than lose those moments with them!

Snapping her head; she glared at the Overhaul – he'd done so much to her mind and body. He'd created such a scared and defenseless child. But she wasn't going to be that child – right now – she'd rather be a crazy wild child long enough to get him away from her father. But a thought struck her – what could she do? Her quirk only allowed her to turn time...she couldn't do that here. She'd turn herself into a baby at this rate.

What could she do? How would she save her family if they were ever in danger? Was she really this weak?

No – she can't! She won't! There was anger welling in the pit of her stomach – she refused to lose her family!

As a spark of courage rose – there was a sharp pain growing from her head.

"Let go..." the words came out slow, but clear. Overhaul merely looked at her; his eyes squinting a little, indicating he was smiling.

"My, did someone just get some courage? How sweet. Too bad it wont be enough to protect your precious papa." Switching his attention from Eri to Shigaraki, who was fading in and out of Eri's conscious. Eri struggled, swinging her tiny legs back and forth, trying to get a shot at the mother-f-er's face. Overhaul simply threw Eri to the ground – just in time to see her papa fade...

"Oh look – he's dead now. Ain't that a sight?" Overhaul laughed; Eri erupted in a high-pitched scream, her eyes filled with pure rage as she turned to Overhaul. Eri's horn grew in size before shooting the energy back into her own body. As it surged through her body, Eri grew in size.

"Enough. You destroyed whatever world I once had – but thanks to your greed, you brought me to my family. I have no intention of letting them go. I'll fight to the death before you ever  touch anything that I love." The power now radiating from Eri, burst send a heavy wave of energy out and up. As Overhaul was forcibly removed; his face mask blew off – Eri reach outed her hand, gently touching his face.

"Time for you to go...because the next time I see you. I will make you suffer as I suffered." The look in Overhaul's eyes...he was scared...shocked and potentially enamored with the beauty in front of him.

No One's POV – on the outside world:

Kurogiri was able to pull out Shigaraki before he was completely lost. Izuku held onto his father – calling his name. After a few shakes and the constant calling – Shigaraki finally came too – he shot up into a sitting position – looking for Eri and Dabi. Eri's tiny form was in the fetal position; trembling from her internal battle.

"Let me go back in. She needs me!" Shigaraki lunged at the older gentleman, shaking him.

"Tomura, that is enough. Kuro is just as tired as you are, if not, more. And it'd be too dangerous to send you back in. Eri has to do this alone and for herself." For once, Rize was trying to be the voice of reason.

Before Shigaraki could say more, a bright light began to shine in the direction of Eri and Dabi. Before anyone could make a move, the light collapsed into itself – creating an instant, blinding flash. Everyone's vision was temporarily gone; but within moments they were back. Looking back down at Eri...she was no longer small. She had grown; into a beautiful young lady.

Dabi gently shook his daughter's shoulder; hopping that she was alive...

To be continued...

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