Chapter 1

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First chapter, hope you all like!
A/N: (Edit) hey guys! to anyone just starting this fanfic, thank you for choosing to read it. I made this edit, over two years since I originally wrote this chapter, to tell you that a sixth grader wrote this, so it may get cringy at times!! while I would never regret writing this story because it made me the writer I am today, there are awfully written, awkward parts, so if you read all the way through, thanks. but yeah so two years later I agree this writing isn't the best, but I do think the story isn't too shabby. thanks for understanding and enjoy xx
~Shai's POV~
I wake up with the sun gleaming through the hotel window. I quietly groan, but slowly get out of bed.

I would normally lay in bed until noon, call Theo and watch movies all day, like yesterday. But I can't because today is the premiere of Divergent.

I go to the bathroom and get on the shower. I let the hot water relax me. My nerves are eating away at me.

Even though I've been to premieres before, I always get nervous. Besides, I feel like everything I do is different with Theo James. My gorgeous, funny, and kind costar.

I've been to premieres, but I haven't been to a Theo James Premiere. It's totally different.

A normal premiere, you wave and smile and have fun with the people you worked with.

I have a feeling that a Theo James Premiere will be more fun, but I have to be more careful. Maybe a lot of laughing, awkward stares, and my eyes on him the whole time.

Either way, I'm nervous.

I get out of the shower and do my normal routine. I slip on a pair of jeans, a black shirt, and slightly brush my short brown hair. I don't apply any makeup.

Then, I call Theo, of course.

It rings a few times, then his deep, sexy British accent says, "Hello?"

"Hey, Theo." I smile. "It's Shai."

"There's the beautiful girl that I get to walk down the Divergent carpet with," He says.

He doesn't call me beautiful like he likes me, he's just nice and he says it so lightly. I still blush though.

"And there's Theo James," I say. "My totally idiotic costar."

He laughs. "We both know that's true."

I laugh too. "So, you wanna get lunch or something before the premiere?"

"That would be great, Shai." He says. "I'll come by your room in about five minutes?"

"That's would be great," I say. "Are you already dressed and stuff?"

"Yep," He says, popping the p. "I just need to do a few more things."

"Okay," I say. "See you soon, Theo."

"See you," He says. "Bye."

"Bye," I say. I hang up and sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for him.

Lately, something has been going on between Theo and I. Ever since we did all those interviews together, our relationship has changed. We grew a little closer, not that we could grow that much closer.

I hear a knock on my door, and go to get it.

Theo is standing outside my door, dressed in a gray shirt with a flannel throw over and jeans. He holds a single rose.

"Hello," He smiles.

"Hey," I say. I hug him quickly. "Come in."

He walks in and sits on the little sofa. I sit next to him and wait for him to explain the rose.

"I got you a rose," He says. "To celebrate out first premiere. We'll it's my first premiere and it's your first premiere with me. I'm so glad I got to work on this with you and I can't wait to film the other movies with you."

"Theo," I say. "That is so sweet."

He nods and slips the rose over my ear, to my surprise, the thrones didn't hurt me. He did it perfectly.

"Thank you," I say. "So, where do you wanna eat?"

"There's a Pizza Hut that we can walk to," He suggests.

"Sure," I say. Pizza Hut is always a good choice because I can get a salad and he can get pizza.

I grab a pair of sunglasses of the table and slip them on. I keep the rose in my hair.

Theo pulls a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and puts them on. It's so hard to get anywhere today, with all this paparazzi because of the premiere.

Theo and I start walking to Pizza Hut. A teenage girl stops and squeals, "I am a huge fan! Can I get a quick picture?"

"Sure," I say, I usually take pictures with fans just because they are nice and support my career a lot, even though they don't know me.

She take a selfie with Theo and I and thanks us. We say no problem and continue walking.

We get to Pizza Hut and get a table to the corner, trying to avoid attention.

Theo looks at the menu, but his foot is tapping continuously.

"Theo?" I ask.

"Hmm?" He responds.

"Are you okay?" I say, my voice filled with concern.

"Y-Yeah," He stutters. "Just a little nervous, that's all. Don't worry about me, Shai."

"Well I don't blame you for being nervous, I'm nervous." I admit.

"No you aren't." He says. "You are Shailene Woodley, the fearless girl who does anything and everything and have been to a couple of these, you'll be fine."

I laugh a little. "That whole thing that you just said was a lie."

"I don't think it was," He says, still tapping his foot. "At least you seem fearless. Maybe fearless is the wrong word. Like strongly brave."

"Whatever, Theo, you know that's a lie." I argue. "I can get nervous."

"But you handle things so well," He argues back. "You look beautiful, you speak perfectly, and you're experienced with premieres."

"Not a Theo James Premiere!" I blurt out before I can think.

He smirks amusingly, "What's a Theo James Premiere?"

I sigh. "A Theo James Premiere is when you're there and everything is going to be different."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"You're different than all my other costars, Theo! So, I imagine a premiere with you would be really different."

He looks at me questionably. "What kind of different?"

I smile. All the tension suddenly eased. "Mostly good."

"Mostly?" He looks playfully offended.

"The other part I haven't figured out yet," I smirk.

He waits a moment before whispering, his voice deep with his accent, "Then this will be the best Theo James Premiere you'll ever experience."

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