Chapter 5

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📧The Task

I walked around to the back of the van.

"Get out," I said opening the van, "you going to meet your employer." I looked Jack directly in the eye.

"I'm not getting paid for this." He deadpanned to which I couldn't help but laugh, not because of what he said but the facial expression he gave with his words was priceless.

Noticing me smile his face seemed to light up too from the dark depressing aura he had given off when I opened the doors. He then grinned at me. "Did I just make you smile?" He asked raising an eyebrow and still grinning.

"Um?" I shook my head unconsciously. I hadn't realised I was still smiling. I pulled a straight face realising I had let my guard down. An assassin can't show they are soft. They have to be cold and emotionless. Feelings and laughter shouldn't get in the way. If I let my feelings get in the way I wouldn't be able to do what I do. All the people I've shot, even if they were bad it doesn't make it right.

That's where I was conflicted. The guy they hire me to shoot is a bad guy or at least that's what they tell me and I shoot him to rid the world of another scum bag but at the same time that scum bag could be a father or a son. I'm basically taking him away from his family but it's my job and I need the pay so I just have to turn a blind eye to that.

Would you imagine that, an assassin with a good heart. The job literally implies that I kill people for a living. This is why feelings shouldn't play a role in what I do when I'm working. Me laughing as stupid as it sounds was letting my guard down because no one would take me seriously if they saw me this way. I'm lucky Jack is labeled insane so if he says that he made me laugh or smile no one would believe him cause he is mad after all and delusional.

I may look like I wouldn't hurt a fly but my get the job done and leave front I put up, stopped people from messing with me since I was serious when I was at work most of the time. Jack was still staring at me with a smile on his face but his eyes weren't smiling and focused on my own.

"Can you um uncuff me?" He said in a pleading tone as the cuffs rattled from behind his back.

We were at the base so I felt okay with uncuffing him since this place was heavily guarded and besides his feet were chained as well so it's not like he could get away, well at least not this time.

Oh yeah, he almost escaped.

But why didn't he kill me when he had the chance?

He could have been out of this and I don't know maybe go on a killing spree.

Wait, what do serial killers do in their free time?

I uncuffed him as I was still lost in my thoughts. The thought of "why didn't he kill me?" floated around in my head.

Was he playing a game and keeping me around and then when I least expected it he would end me?

I'm not sure if he intends on working with me or not?

"What's on your mind?" He said. Why is a serial killer worried about what's on my mind?

"Nothing," I defended shaking my head and giving him a blank stare.

"You know I haven't been with you for even more than a day and I can tell you are lying, so why not just say? What's bothering you?" He asked, his smirk still on his lips and his eyes unreadable. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.

Just as I was about to speak one of the guards approached. "Boss is waiting, you were supposed to be here two hours ago and he isn't very happy."

Jack was about to talk again but he only opened his mouth and then closed it.

"I'm sorry," I said, "someone decided to take a two hour pee." I looked over to Jack.

He looked at me furrowing his eyebrows. "Yeah," he scratched the back of his head while looking at the guard and giving an odd smile, "weak bladder."

We all know that that's not what really happened but it's better than the guards knowing that he almost escaped on the first day of the job.

I'm a terrible assassin.

We kept walking with the guard.

»[In the bosses office]

I walked into the passage with a curious Jack walking behind me. "It's been a long time since I've been here." He said as the guard walked behind him and then walked to the front of both of us, opening the bosses door for both of us to enter. His been here before? I had questions but I couldn't ask them right now.

"You're exactly 2 hours and 47 seconds late. You know how I am about time." He got up off his chair and stood by his huge window, looking down at all the buildings and the skyscrapers around.

"Forgive me, Sir." I spoke up apologising for my tardiness.

"You are forgiven when you finish the rest of your task." He said walking to his desk and sliding a huge yellow envelope to me. "In that envelope is everything you need. Use it wisely." He said and then turned his head to look at Jack who for some reason was sitting on the couch and playing with his hands.

Jack was nervous?

He looked very unstable and kept twitching. He looked up at the boss with a crooked smile. Half his mouth slanting to the side. What happened to him? He was fine a minute ago. Suddenly, he lunged out giving a murderous laugh, and leaping onto the boss, began to choke him. I was in a state of shock and I didn't know what to do. I froze completely. He was killing my boss?

Suddenly I heard a voice that sounded like the bosses voice? It came from the speakers in the office. "Okay, that's enough." He said as the screen switched on and the bosses face appeared. I thought he was dead? Jack just killed him?

A bunch of guards walked in. The bosses body was twitching and the arm of the body looked lifeless as it twitched. So pale. "Do you really think I'll be in the same office as that mad man?" The boss spoke as I watched him on the screen.

"If you're here then who's that?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion as I looked to the body Jack was still busy strangling.

"That was me." The bosses voice radiated throughout the room.

"So you are dead?" I questioned. "Wait," I looked at the screen in confusion, "is this one of those recorded messages where you say if you watching this video I am no longer with you or I'm already dead."

"No, Jane I am not dead." The boss shot back loudly in annoyance as the few guards who walked in one by one removed Jack from the body of my boss? he had strangled?

"That was my lookalike." He spoke on, to which I just stood there mind boggled and confused. Lookalike? "I just wanted to see what Jack would do and clearly he is in need of this, Jane this mission isn't just to work with him and complete a task, you going to rehabilitate him."

I looked at the screen with wide eyes before it switched off and went black.

To be continued...


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