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I remember the worst days of my life (and believe me I've been through a lot ) like it was yesterday , the way they all betrayed me and left me for another person that was believed to be a hero .


I was walking along the beach waiting for Annabeth to come back from a quest to get a demigod of the Big three , as I wait a group of four demigods come in from the ocean on a small boat .

As they reach the camp a few campers rush out to meet them and I come close so that I could see if my Wise girl is here , when a guy that looks like a super model and is about pretty much the same age as I am gets off and a lightning bolt appears on top of him , claiming him .

Most campers gasp at this but I just stare , wondering why is he so old and not have any training , but is still alive ? As he gets down he immediately says " Why are you not bowing down ? " And immediately everyone there gets down on their knees except me , he looks at me and raises his eye brow , but ignores me , as if he was to good for me .

Before I tell him anything Annabeth walks  next to me and bows whispering " Don't be stupid Percy and bow down !" But I stay standing up , I don't care if he's drama kings' son , here he would have to earn his respect ,  but he simply looks at me and says " Bow down fool , this is now my camp , and you go by my rules " the nerve of this guy !

So I go all perssasy on him and respond " If this is your camp then the we must have done something wrong because all I see is a prick with an ego bigger than Thalia's tree !" Murmurs where heard across the campers and the guy leaves , he probably was angry, and Annabeth goes after him , while my so called 'friends' also follow him , leaving me alone .

Day after day , my closest friends slowly left me for that jerk , his name was Jake and the fact that his dad was Zeus didn't help , all my friends started leaving me until they became his followers . After a few weeks all I had was Nico , Leo and Annabeth , but Annabeth had been spending less time with me and more time who knows where . I would always ask her and she'd say she was working .  One day I needed some time alone so I walked near the beach until I saw a couple kissing , at first I didn't pay them any attention , until I saw who they were , it was Jake , making out with Annabeth .

And I decided that was it , that I've had enough of him , slowly destroying my life , so I got close and asked quietly , my voice broken , tears threatening to leave my eyes "WHY , why would you do this to me ?" She stops kissing him him and , notices me and simply says "I just prefer Jake and not you silly, you always were a seaweed brain " so that was were I lost it , I punched Jake in the jaw so hard it broke , the ocean became reckless at my emotions

After a few punches , Annabeth was crying and calling me a monster but I didn't care , I was the monster of their creation , I became a monster because of them .

I spent few days after that only leaving my cabin when necessary. I missed being with my friends , friends that cared for me and loved me .

As I was walking to my cabin after eating , a small group comes and grabs me they go to the nearest tree and after a few punches they hold me in the tree as Jake appears and punches me a few times until he orders Jason to do it , and he does it , because he blamed me for Piper leaving him . Jason , my once great friend , one of my best friends , hits me as if I was to blame for all his problems , but I couldn't hit him back , as I was unable to because of my fatal flaw being loyalty , and the fact that I was broken , after half an hour the group leaves me battered down and humiliated , with cuts and bruises , but not before saying some colorful words to me , insulting me , saying that I was going to die alone , and I believed them .

That night in my cabin I wrote a letter for the only people that care about me and as I am leaving the camp , in the hill where Thalia's tree is , I say my last words , to the place I used to fight for  "Bye camp , Bye friends , I'm going to miss you" as tears cloud my eyes and I leave the place forever.

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