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The trip to Earth was horrible . I was sitting on the front , trying to look alright , and believe me it was tough , trying to forget all those horrible memories and times , but the army knew who I was , they knew it would be hard for me .

Sitting next to me was Zöe , and saying she was worried was an understatement , almost every minute she looked at me , and I looked back , with a glare that said that it is alright , even if it's not . After some time , she asks "How are you feeling ?" I glare at her , and say with A LOT OF SARCASM "Oh just perfect , I'm going to a place were everybody freaking hates me , a place I used to call home till they left me for dead" I scream at her , but she simply glares at me , not saying a single word .

After a few hours , the captain announces that were going to land in a few minutes , and I was freaking out , I was probably going nuts until Zöe slaps me , hard , and grabs my shoulder , she stares at me , her obsidian dark eyes meet my sea green , after some time she whispers so that only I can hear "Hold it together Percy , it'll be alright , we'll get there , do our mission and leave , nobody will wonder anything , or even suspect it's you , we will be home before you even know it ." And she breaks contact with me , a small blush clear on her face , as she stares of into space , but I keep looking at her , wondering how she's always been there for me , while all my other 'friends' betrayed me , even my own girlfriend , that said that she loved me and later she simply left me for someone that thinks he's better than me , but now my only close friend is Zöe , and the other members of the squad.

We reach camp , only to be greeted with a bunch of campers in armor , we start getting out of the spaceship thing , after getting organized I come to the front with Zöe since Luke won't be getting here until his small portion of the army gets here and Leo has a mission to do .

With my very awesome and sexy voice I say , making sure everyone hears me " We are a small part of Chaos army , we've come here in peace " I put my hand up so that everyone can see the international sign of peace .

The army start laughing at my childness while Zöe hits me in the back of the head . "Owww that hurts !!!" I said as Chiron comes up to me and announces that they will be a meeting in the Big House to which I agreed to and told the Army , go get our cab ready , and to not to kill any campers alright "And Night , you're coming with me " Zöe smiled and said " Yes boss " I just simply glare at her , she knows I hate being called like that .

I walk to the Big House where I hear whispers of either people questioning who I am or if the army could be trusted , for Hades sake do they even know we are the best of the best ? That we could make this camp look worse than my Chaos room after April fools  ?

When we get to the meeting , I see some familiar faces like : Piper , Annabeth , Hazel and Jake , the rest seem like new campers . Chiron then breaks me of my thoughts as he starts the meeting.

"As you can all see , Chaos has apparently sent a part of his army to help us with the new war " Chiron states.

"Yes , that is true , I am the commander of the army and leader of the Alpha squad , Chaos sent me here specifically , so that must mean that the threat must be impossible or extremely difficult for you to handle on you're own ." I say in a small but powerful voice .

"I bet we can handle it on our own" says Jake

But I just simply smile , the guy still has a bigger ego than Chaos when he is at the bar . Before I can say anything Zöe beats me to it and says "And for what else would Chaos send us ?" Jake simply shrugs and responds " To conquer us " Zöe looks like she's about to shoot him were the sun doesn't shine , but I just laugh at him , call me crazy but that was stupid of him to say that . After I stop laughing at him and a few minutes pass of me regaining my breath I respond  " You know we are CHAOS' army right ? You know that we are the best of the best , right ? You're little camp wouldn't stand a chance versus me or anyone in our army alone"

One thing that you don't know is that I gained some new powers , like telekinesis , and trained my water powers to an extreme level so that I could use any kind of liquid , from acids to poison to blood .

After some time of awkward silence and glares , I ask "So , what's the problem ? I don't have all day " My ex teacher sighs and looks up at me saying "The Romans want blood and justice after what we did to their predator , Perseus Jackson , " I nod , happy that someone actually missed me , but knowing that we are going to fight them isn't going to help my feelings , Jake adds to this wonderful tale "We told them that he wasn't needed or wanted , and because Jason agreed to this , he was thrown out of the Roman camp , and had live in the wilderness , after a few months he died because their were to many monsters after him , that weakling , and Frank Zhang , a traitor , left this camp because of what we supposedly did to Jackson .

Jason died ? The Romans want justice ? Frank moved from one camp to another ? I want to join the Romans side in this war , but I know Chaos didn't send me here for that , he must have sent me here for a diplomatic mission , but that's stupid , he knows I'm not the best in diplomacy , I'll have to ask him later .

" Is that all ? " I ask in a very honest voice . Chiron responds sadly " Yes that will be all " as I stand up someone asks " Why are you two wearing cloaks and not the rest of the army , are you afraid of showing who you are ?" Guess who that was .

Of course it just had to be Annabeth , as I open the door , I stop and look at her or more likely glare at her , and say in a dark and mysterious voice "Well Miss Chase , we were from here , obviously , and our identities shouldn't be a problem since we hate you so why don't you and you're boyfriend go and kiss each other and get the Hades out of our way " I close the door angrily , as if to break it , and hear whispers saying things like he's from here ? , or he seems pretty hot . Poor Zöe , she will probably have  to finish explaining everything by herself , well she is better at talking without making everybody angry .

He guys it's me , look please if you guys like the book or are liking it vote for it or at least comment on what I should correct to make the story better please , and thanks !!

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