Chapter 6

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Your Pov

I woke up in the living room. Did I fall asleep during the movie? I looked at my phone. 10am. I went to the kitchen. Oli was sitting there making breakfast. "Morning" He said somehow knowing I was there even though he hasn't even turned around. "Hey" I answered sitting down on one of the stools. "Pancakes?" He asked giving me a plate. "Well duh" I took the plate and started eating while he sat beside me. "Wow Oliver I didn't know you were such a good cook" I said shook, how good the food was. "I have many hidden talents. But we're friends right?" He said. "Yes?" "Then call me Oli" He said smiling. "O-ok" We went back to eating and short after Scott woke up. He joined us and we talked till 12. Then I went to dress up.

Today I wore a black crop top hoddie and some jeans. I put my hair into astral buns (if you have short hair then skip that) and did some quick makeup. I rushed downstairs to see the guys both on their phones waiting for me. We were going to the mall and then Callum and Yammy were ment to come over. "Ready?" Scott asked putting his phone away. "Uhum" I said putting on my favorite shoes. We went to Scott's car. Scott was driving and Oli went in the seat beside him, then I sat in the back. Oli turned on the radio and the 3 of us sang the whole way to the mall.

We went to Starbucks and that's when I realized I forgot my wallet. "Fuge" I said looking through my bag. "What?" Oli asked. "I didn't take my wallet. I had all my coupons there" I said still looking if it's somewhere. "Did you leave it at ours or your?" Scott asked looking at the time. "Mine" I answered. "Ok gimme keys and go grab it. Where is it?" Scott said getting up. "It's on the counter in the kitchen" I gave Scott my house keys. "Ok I'll be right back" He took his coffee and went to his car. I was left alone once again with Oli.

Then someone I never wanted to see again walked over to us. "Hey Kitty" I knew who that was and I was terrified.

That voice. That nickname. I never wanted to hear it.

Heya guys!!! Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger because I'm evil >;)

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