Chapter 29

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Your Pov

For some reason after coming back from the mall Oli has been acting really weird. He insists that everything is alright but I know he's lying. I just can't figure out why... Maybe while I was gone he thought things through and he doesn't actually want to be with me...? I tried ignoring both that though and the fact that there was something wrong.

This has been happening for over a week now. I tried to also asked our friends if they knew anything but nope.

Oli's Pov

I could see that y/n didn't believe me but I really did not want to tell her about Steph and Lukas.

Y/n is currently somewhere with Scott so I was alone at the house when I heard a knock. It was Steph. I really didn't want to see her again plus y/n would be back any minute.

"What do you want now" I asked her. "I have a suggestions that will end up good for all of us" she said smiling. "What is it?" I rolled my eyes. "Break up with y/n. If I can't date you, and Lukas can't date her then you can't date each other. I would recommend you doing that. And not telling her about me and Lukas. Trust me we will find out if you tell anyone and I promise you it will don't end good for y/n" "Stephanie, that's called threatening and that is illegal, I could easily go to the police-" "Oh no, no, no you're not doing that. You don't have any proof so the police won't believe you and even if you do have proof I would be in jail for max 2 years  (made that up) and after those 2 years trust me I will come back" Ok I'm not going to lie I was shook. She was right, without any sort of proof the fluffing (if you watched Oli's stream you will get it heh) police will do absolutely nothing.

Suddenly Steph saw something out the window and came closer to me. At first I didn't know what she was doing but then I realized. Y/n was opening the door to the house and just as she did that Steph suddenly kissed me. Y/n froze at the door and so did I. "I should go now, think about what I told you Oli" Steph smirked, leaving. "Y/n I-" I had no clue what to say. "Oli... Why.. I thought-" Great I was screwed. I loved y/n with all my heart and I couldn't handle anything happening to her. And I also knew that Steph wouldn't actually hurt her, but Lukas would. So as much as it hurt me to say it I decided to listen to Steph.

Y/n went outside and shut the door behind her. I could hear her cry. I couldn't believe what just happened. I slid down the wall I was standing at and sat at the floor in disbelief. My life was getting ruined, but I knew that Steph wasn't actually the one that came up with this - yes she did break my heart after cheating on me but I don't feel like she would've came back if it wasn't for Lukas. He was the one that tried to ruin y/n life and everybody's that stepped in his way - me.

I'm not going to lie I have no clue why I decided to do this but I was starting to run out of ideas. I have a few things planned now but I hope you actually enjoy my stupid little drama I added :p

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