Chapter 9

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Your Past - part 2 - How you met Lauren

Your Pov (you are 16 - first year College)

Chemistry class

"Settle down now class! Today I will be putting you into pairs as we will be doing an experiment" The teacher said. I sat down in my seat. "Are we picking our pairs?" Jake asked. "No, like I said... I will put you into pairs. Jake you will be with Amy. Lara and Kate, Megan and Harry, Philip and Max, Alice and Terry, Y/N and Patrick, Larry and Karen, Becky and Olivia, Mia and Maya and lastly Jessica and Ryan. Now sit with your pair and I then I will tell you what we are doing" Great I'm with Patrick. The person I mostly hate in our class. Ok you can do it y/n. It's just one lesson. "Hey cutie" Kill me ;-;

"Ok everyone, Megan will give you all instructions and Jake will give you your ingredients. The first 5 pairs that will get everything done will get an A*" I have pretty good grades in chemistry, Patrick doesn't... Eh I'll make sure he won't get this A*.

When we were near the end to get 3rd I knocked one of the chemicals out of Patrick's hand. It fell on the floor and pour out everywhere. One of the girls was going to the teacher desk and she slipped on it and fell. Great now I have detention (as far as I know there is no detention in college in the UK but it's a fiction so...) And Chemistry is our last class so I'm going straight in there.

Ah yes... Detention. I've never been here. It seems like it's just me and one other girl. She looked older. "Do whatever you want just don't leave this class and don't kill each other. I have some work to do" The teacher said and she went to a small room in the class leaving me and the girl alone. "Well if we are ment to spend and hour together we may as well get to know each other" She said. I decided to sit beside her. "I'm Lauren" She said and gave me her hand. I shook it and told her my name. "So why are you here?" I asked her. "I was texting in class and I completely ignored the teacher. You?" She answered. "Well..." I told her what I did. "Nice!" She said. We talked for a while. She was 2 years older than me. She had a younger brother and an older sister. She lived with her boyfriend Bobby. We talked about lots of things. We became friends and started hanging out in lunch and after school.

Present time

"Another interesting way to find a best friend" Oli chuckeld. "Yup" I laughed. "I met Yammy and Callum through YouTube, and I met Joel because of Lizzie" I told Oli. "What about Scott?" He asked. "Well..."

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