Chapter 10

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N/n - nickname

Your past - part 3 - how you met Scott and Lukas

Your Pov (you are 18 - University)

"Aww come on y/n pleaseee" Lizzie begged me to come with her and her parents on a little time off but my small work place didn't allow me to take this time off. Plus I would rather not catch up with all the school things. "Sorry Lizzie, I can't. I need to stay in town. Maby next time" I said. "I need to go now, catch you later" I looked at my phone. The lesson would start in 2 minutes. I rushed to my class as the bell rang. (I have no clue how uni works btw so this is all just pure imagination, it's a story anyways so not everything has to be real)


"Well y/n if you can't go then Lauren would you like to go to Florida with me and my parents for a few days?" Lizzie asked while we sat down at a table in the cafeteria. "Uh sure? How much do I pay?" Lauren chuckeld. "Nothing" Lizzie smiled. "Oh I'm sorry then y/n but I'm going with Lizzie" Lauren nudged me. "Eh we'll have fun I guess" I said putting on a fake smile. "I'll be in our room if you need me, I'm skipping the next class" I said as I got up and walked to our dorm. I went inside and sat on the bed. I took out my laptop and digital table. I started doodling some stuff and soon I heard a knock. After the knock someone slid a piece of paper under the door. When I opened the door no one was there. I took the paper and read it. 'Meet me at the park tonight. 8pm' I had nothing better to do and I didn't really care if it was a bad person as I knew that there would be people at the park at that time as I go there a lot by my self. I sat back down and drew some more on my tablet.

After 2 hours Lizzie and Lauren came to the dorm. I was currently making some food. I had 2 hours left until the 'meeting'. "Hey y/n what are you up to?" Lizzie asked while Lauren turned on our TV. "Food, want some?" I answered putting some on my plate. "Foooood" Lauren chuckeld. "Ya sure gimmie" Lizzie said sitting beside Lauren. "Ok, you you go" I gave them the meal and we ate watching the TV.

After we ate I went to my room and decided to change my clothes. I wore a black and blue hoodie and some jeans. I did my hair and I re-did my make-up. I had 20 minutes and the park was about 10mins away. Lizzie and Lauren were already gone. We had a week off Uni and they went away with Lizzie's parents on a small trip.

I arrived at the park and as expected there was a few people around so I felt safe. I sat down at one of the benches and soon a guy my age walked up to me. "Hey y/n" he said. "Lukas?" I said kinda shocked. Lukas was a guy from my class. We were pretty good friends. "Y/n I wanted to tell you something, or ask you" he said. "Yes?" I said as he sat beside me. "Well... Do you want to go out with me?"

Present time
"And that's how it started..." I said looking at the ground while I still sat at the carpet in front of the boys. "What started? I'm confused.." Oli said looking at me and at Scott worried.


It's been a month since me and Lukas have been going out. Today's we are going away for the weekend to a small town next to ours. "Are you ready n/n?" He asked while I was trying to close my suitcase. "Coming" I said. He put my things into his car and we drove of. I was excited as I passed my test last week so I was able to go with Lukas on this trip.

When we got there Lukas showed me to our house. But what happend after was horriffing and I wish I never started dating him.

Ahhhhh I haven't updated for sooo long ;-; I'm so sorry but first I was sick and then I had a lot of school work. This is the second last part of your past. Next chapter will be what your ex has done to you and we will finally get into some real OrionSound x Reader

Also normally I update on Saturdays but since I haven't done a chapter in so long you have one on Monday. Hope you like the story so far

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