Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: First Prince; Yan Kingdom (North)

Third Person's POV

Ancient China

He woke up confused. He is Drew transmigrated to the first prince of the North Kingdom.

His eyes roamed inside the ancient room. He transmigrated to a 10-year-old boy. named Yan Drew. He had the same name, Drew. The young boy was poisoned since he is a weak son, one of the ministers poisoned him. The original soul of the young boy is already gone.

He slowly got up and had a killing aura. He will kill whoever tried to kill the young boy. What he hated the most is selfish people. He was once a selfish individual but he changed when he met Kixha. He'll do everything. Probably Kixha is here somewhere out there.

The young boy's memory flashed inside his mind, He finally knew who tried to kill young Drew. This person will have to deal with him. He will face his doom!

Drew slowly got up and call for Eunuch Chao. Chao automatically went to his side and kowtowed.

"First Prince, what can this humble servant do for you?" the eunuch was crying silently because he was relieved to see his prince standing in front of him. He knew that Drew's life is not in danger anymore because of the imperial Doctor Xi. the medicine and poison protégée.

"Call General Xui." HE smirked which give Eunuch Chao unexplainable chill. It was the first time he saw the young prince smirk like that but it doesn't matter, the young prince's life is much more important.

After minutes of waiting General Xui knocked on his door. He signaled for the general to enter.

"Crown Prince". General Xui bowed. Drew stared at the general intently.

"General, I plan to go with you to the North border and train," he said seriously.

"..." The General was speechless. He didn't know why the First Prince changes his heart.

"As you wish First Prince." And then he bowed his head and put his hand together.

They discussed the journey to the north border but General Xui explained that he needs to be fit and healthy,

"I will not hold back on training you Crown Prince, this is not a game." General Xui explained and warned the Prince.

"Train me harder general, I expect more from you. Don't treat me like a prince during our training. The harder the better. Make me the best Warrior." Drew said. He never knew the day that the crown prince will decide to go to the border and train. The prince wants peace and is scared of holding a sword. Probably the prince decided to train to defend himself from the people who want him dead. The incident of poisoning the Prince gave the Prince a wakeup call.

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