Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After the Shadow Guards posted the posters, many young individuals auditioned. Those who possess soldier skills were transferred to the shadow guard headquarters. They were oriented and they agreed to train. They understood the secrecy. Even their family kept the secret. The kingdoms were always united, so if someone tried to ruin the peace of the kingdom, citizens are much more willing to be of help. North-kingdom gathered 2000 soldiers, the South Kingdom got 800, East kingdom got 1400 and the West kingdom got 5000 soldiers.

Many look up to the Crown Princess of West, all of the newly recruited individuals swear their loyalty to their Kingdom. They believe that the Emperor raise their Crown Princess accordingly. They love the royal family.

"Crown Princess, are you sure? I can do it alone, I don't want you to be in danger. I don't want to take the risk. Please stay here and wait until the war is over." said Drew walking close to her. Drew can't take it if for the third time Kixha will be dead again. He had been so moody that the soldiers were unable to get near him. Only the general can be seen talking to him. He was in deep sh*t because he really is worried for the woman he only loved

"Thank you Crown Prince Drew, but, I made up my mind, I am not as weak as you think. I've been training for my whole life. I fought and won battles with the bandits. I need to be in this war." She was determined to join the forces to avenge the death of her true friend. No one but her will KILL HIM. She promised on the grave of her beloved friend that the murderer of her Yui will pay with his own life.

"Why? Princess enlighten me as to why you need to do this. I am worried sick of waiting for your arrival this past few days. All you do is travel without me, I've been restless. I'm in love with you haven't you notice?...." Drew was exhausted with all the things that are happening. He is finally with Kixha he doesn't want to be without her again. The Kixha in front of him is much stubborn compared to the two previous Kixha. He doesn't want to lose her again.

"....." She was speechless and can't find the right words to say. True, Drew is handsome and cannot be compared to anybody else, but, she is not certain to what she feels towards him. It is something new, all she knew is that the person in front of her is important for her, he already carved a space in her heart. But, she is scared of the feeling that anytime can devour her. Love? She doesn't know yet. She is not yet sure.

"Please Princess, tell me why you want to join the war." Drew was begging, Kixha doesn't have a chose but to retell the story about her best friend Lady Yui. She couldn't help but weep. She will kill the leader of the bandits with her own hands until then she will have peace of mind. Drew finally understood. He doesn't know how powerful the Kixha in front of him. He talked to one of the Shadow guards appointed to their KIngdom. The shadow guard confirmed that Kisha is a cultivator. Passed all the levels probably surpassed the powerful cultivator still living inside the kingdom. All the shadow guards of the Princess are cultivators, they are already powerful but the Princess is much more powerful than them. When Princess Kisha helped them she only uses 3% of her power to kill all the bandits. She uses 4% of her power when she rescues Lady Yui. That's why even Kixha's own shadow guards are kind of chilled as to what is the real power of their princess. It's still sleeping, no one knew what will happen if she uses her 100% power. Probably the kingdom will sink.

When Drew saw her weeping she embraced the Princess.

"What are you doing Prince Drew?" Kixha was startled when Drew hugged him.

"It's only natural to hug your future wife. You agreed right? I understand you now, but I can avenge Lady Yui for you." Drew is still against the idea of Kixha fighting.

"Prince Drew," She patted his back.

"I need to kill him with my own hands. I will. I plan to. Nothing can stop this Princess even you are my future King. " She explained and releases their embrace. She bowed and walked away. There is no point in arguing with Drew. Drew could only look at her back figure while retreating.

"So there is no way to stop you. Then I'll be your shield no matter what." Drew was determined to keep her safe.

Drew never left her side, whenever Kixha goes, He will be the guard. Emperor of the North and West Kingdom could only shake their heads.

"Your daughter is truly amazing my old friend, as you can see my son is smitten by her. It is the first time I see the other side of my stubborn child. Thank you, my friend." Emperor Yan said while drinking his wine.

"True, my child is not only amazing but incredible, no one can be compared to her but your son. He can protect my dear Kixha. The war will end soon, with Kixha being the head of the war, we will end it soon." Emperor Cheng said proudly.

"I know, you raised a powerful child, my old friend, why did you keep her locked?" The eunuch poured wine on his Majesties' cup.

"To protect her from the outside world. My daughter is no ordinary child, she is a true cultivator, at 2 years old she can play with the fire. We were scared she won't get used to her powers. I even ask God why my daughter? She is the future of our kingdom? Great power comes with great responsibility. She is a great daughter, but, I was scared, I am scared that she will be hated. I hope you now understand why I've been keeping her under my protection." Emperor Cheng crossed his legs and looked at nothing.

"I've been keeping her until she can finally control her emotions and power, in that way no one can be hurt. " The West Emperor added.

"It must be hard guarding her, I understand my friend. Don't worry, no one will know this. Thank you for trusting me." Emperor Yan bowed his head just like Emperor Cheng did. Truly they are old friends.

Emperor Chen Reminisce, when Kixha was still 3 years old she can control the wind. During summer the kingdom has no problem with the hot temperature, Unknowingly Kixha makes everything easy to their kingdom. The Emperor remembered the first time he saw his child play with the fire. He thought that Kixha was burned to death, but she was only playing. Everything is burning while she was playing at the court yard. He tried to hug the child but it was useless. He called out for one of his shadow guards. The shadow guard tried to touch the Princess but it was as if She made a barrier. One Shadow guard attempted to touch the Princess but it was useless. Until Lady Yui came and touched her. That very instant Princess Kixha 's burning body stopped. She touched Lady Yui and embraced her.

"You fine." said the small Kixha (You are fine!) Lady Yui only smiled and they giggled. Emperor could only sigh. He really needs his old Shadow Guard to train Kixha

The Emperor doesn't know how to cultivate, only her wife but Empress could only cultivate various effective medicines. 

The Emperor then called his old shadow guard to train her little Kixha.

It was difficult at first since she was only a toddler, but the young princess is a smart girl, it took a year for her to control the fire without hurting someone. 

Truly her daughter Kixha is amazing. Since the Emperor doesn't want to make things hard for little Kixha, the Emperor kept the fact that Kixha is a cultivator to her wife Ah Rong, so not to worry for her child.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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