Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Encounter

Third person's POV

She was wearing a purple and white expensive dress. Her hair was tied up in a complicated but beautiful braid.

She was none other than Kixha, the Crown Princess of Cheng Kingdom. As she enters the grand hall, all eyes were on her. She was the most beautiful young lady in all four kingdoms, but she wasn't aware of her beauty. She was a simple but elegant young princess. She was trained to rule a kingdom. She was trained to fight. She might look vulnerable because of her petite figure, but she was a trained assassin. She trained in shadows to hide what she is good at. She is a strategist and a warrior.

First look you might think that she is a simple young vulnerable lady, but you don't want to mess with her.

Her Beauty is the downfall of kingdoms yet she wasn't aware of it. Behind the shadows, she was trained to fight and protect herself, unlike every noble and prince who were trained to perfect the four arts: Strategy on game-Go, Calligraphy, Painting and stringed instrument (Although she already perfected all of them) she focused on training herself to become an assassin.

She and her family were seated at the right side tent near the North Emperor and his royal family's Tent were located. Kixha didn't mind the stares of the people. All eyes were on her. At long last, her brother spoke.

"Crown Princess sister, when are we going to come home?" Kifer said boredly.

"My little brother we'll be home after a week. Imperial Father already told you we'll stay a couple of days here because of some matters North Emperor and Imperial father needs to discuss." Kixha said and kiss her brother's forehead.

"But.... I don't want to stay here Crown Princess Sister." He said with a deep sigh and played with her hands.

"No need to worry my dearest, seven days will pass quickly. Let's enjoy our stay instead." Kixha said enthusiastically.

Her brother then nodded, listening to her sister makes him feel better. He just doesn't like the stare of the young boys give his sister. He knew that his sister is beautiful, they will even like her more once they got to know her. He is not yet ready for his sister to get married. Although their Imperial Father discussed the marriage of his older sister, he can't help but get sad. Someone will take her sister away from him. It'll be painful not seeing his sister every day.

Meanwhile at the Grand Pavilion seat a man in his black attire, He is none other than the crown prince of Yan.

"Young Master, How can I help you?" The general said bowing to his future KING.

"Please Master, no need to bow. You know that you are my teacher. Anyhow, I got the news that bandits all over the Kingdom are forming an alliance." He said looking at the lake.

"Yes, Master." The General said. It is a great shock that pirates and bandits already formed an alliance, once the bandits and pirates were mortal enemies. What happened?

"So this Banquet is also related to the problem of Bandits to the four Kingdom. Hmmm.. I must attend then to show my beloved Emperor that I am interested in dealing with those bandits." Drew said smiling like a hungry dog waiting for its prey.

The General looked up to the Prince of Yan, He trained him to become a strong soldier, he is the best student, yet why can't he get used to his deadly aura? It gives him chills. Always. He can only vow to his greatest student.

"Young Master, all guests already arrived. They are waiting for your arrival."

"Thank you Master," Drew said bowing to his Teacher.

The General cannot do anything about his Master bowing to him. His student has great respect towards him and he is grateful for that, although he always reminds him about their status and he would answer him with " You are my teacher, students need to bow down to their teacher who thought them well."

Grand Pavilion

"Crown Prince of North, Crown Prince Yan has arrived."

Everyone stared at the Prince as he arrived. He gives off a powerful aura of darkness yet you wouldn't want to take your eyes off of him. At 18, he already has a built. Hard muscles, all females cannot hide their glee seeing the Prince, their handsome Prince.

One Young lady is an exemption. Her focus is on her little brother who is pouting when she slightly pinch him. She tried to hide her giggle but her brother caught her.

"Shhh, my little brother. I'm sorry, but I just can't help it..... you are such a cutie." Kixha smiled warmly. Her little brother can do nothing but blush. How he adored his big sister everyone knows

Prince of Yan was shocked to see the giggling Kixha. His world stopped. He walked slowly to reach the woman he loved. His heart beating so fast, his palm sweating. "Am I dreaming" is all he can say to himself. He stopped in front of Kixha. Kixha with a questioning stare stared at him. He tried to talk but it's as if he is MUTE.

Kixha vowed, muted. She can't remember meeting the prince, did she angered the mighty soldier? Her mind is in chaos, " I am sure I haven't met the prince" she thought.

"K-Kixha". Finally, the Prince said looking straight to her eyes.

Finally, Kixha looked up and saw the smiling Prince.

There is something about the crown prince that seems so familiar. Yet Kixha couldn't distinguish. Is she overwhelmed with being stared at? 

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