Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Arrival in the North Kingdom

The Emperor was delighted to see his first son. After 8 years of training, you Drew emits an aura of confidence... Xua and Yula ran to meet their First brother. They are proud to be called the younger siblings of the Crown Prince. Even both Consort Xa and La are happy to the arrival of the Crown Prince.

Everyone was in awe. They cannot believe that the young prince grew up to become such a good looking prince.

People were waving their white handkerchief, they are happy that finally, the Crown Prince is home. Ladies were enchanted by the handsome Prince. They were love-struck. Women give the Crown Prince a glance. People can't help but admire the handsome Prince. HE is handsome but they are scared at the same time. Rumors said that he killed the bandits who kidnapped women and children. He ruthlessly cut their heads and burn the others alive. Some say that he skinned the bandit leader alive and cut his penis.

One of the Soldiers remembered their encounter with the bandits.

They are in the patrol when one of the guards near the border shouted that there was an ambush outside their border. Everyone was alert, General and the crown prince went outside their border and spying. As they spy they saw young women and children being traded by the bandits. The general and young prince attacked without a second thought. The shadow guards attacked from the tree. The general's team were outnumbered but they don't mind.

"Crown prince, please hold back. I'll finish them up." said the general. He wants to protect the prince since they all know that the bandits play a dirty trick. there are only 5 of them (2 shadow guards, The general, senior army and Crown Prince Drew) while the bandits and some of the old dirty officials have a lot of guards with them.

"Who said that I'll leave you alone here General. Remember you taught me how to fight." Drew felt excited about killing these people who kidnapped the weak. The victims were all scared. Some already wet themselves.

"Who the hell are you people? Kill them all, and protect Master Bai!" Shout the guard.

"If I were you I'll hand the victims and ask for mercy. You don't know who you're messing with." said the shadow guard from up the tree. The shadow guards have poison arrows with them. They may be outnumbered but they have poisoned weapons with them. One struck they'll be paralyzed and will end up dead.

"Hahahahahah." one of the guards of the officials laughed and shouted attack!

The general nodded to the shadow guard, it means they have to protect the crown prince from the shadow. although they only have two shadow guards they are skilled and ready to kill anyone who might hurt the prince. Then the General nodded to the crown prince, the prince already has a killing aura with him, the general could only shake his head. This kid is something out of the ordinary he said to himself.

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